Description: Twining perennial herbs or trailing shrubs.
Leaves alternate, 1 or pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules persistent, free; leaflets ovate to rhombic
Inflorescences terminal racemes or axillary in upper branches; bracts simple. Calyx tube campanulate, upper 2 teeth ± fused, minutely bifid at the apex. Standard obovate to ± circular, minutely clawed; wings oblong, usually joined to the middle of the keel; keel obtuse. Stamens diadelphous; anthers uniform. Ovary with c. 2 ovules; style inflexed or incurved.
Pod transversely jointed, separating into 1-seeded articles; articles 2–7, indehiscent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 species in Australia, New Guinea and New Caledonia. Australia: 3 species, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales.
Formerly included in Desmodium but that genus concept was not monophyletic. Related to Pedleya and Pullenia, both genera also occuring in New South Wales.
Text by R.L. Barrett, June 2021 Taxon concept: Ohashi et al., Journal of Japanese Botany, 95(5): 264 (2020)