Description: Aerial stem-parasitic shrubs, erect to pendent, glabrous; external runners absent.
Leaves opposite, sometimes clustered on condensed axes, flat with pinnate venation or compressed or terete.
Inflorescence axillary, a pedunculate or sessile 2-flowered umbel or a single flower; bract 1 per flower. Petals 6, united into a curved tube inflated in middle and unequally divided, more deeply so and more reflexed on concave side. Stamens equal; anthers basifixed, immobile, introrse, 4-locular, acute, sometimes transversely septate, about as long as free part of filament.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 8 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Text by A. L. Quirico Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Flowers single or in pairs without a common peduncle; pedicels distinctly winged; fruit globose | Lysiana murrayi |
| Flowers in pairs on a common peduncle (sometimes very short), pedicels not distinctly winged; fruit ellipsoidal to ovoid | 2 |
2 | Leaves flat (rarely compressed when very narrow) | 3 |
| Leaves terete Back to 1 | Lysiana linearifolia |
3 | Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, with obscure venation; fruit dark coloured; calyx usually short, entire | Lysiana exocarpi |
| Leaves oblanceolate, with distinct venation; fruit more or less translucent; calyx usually lobed or toothed Back to 2 | Lysiana subfalcata |