Leaves similar or varying in shape and size.
Strobili erect to nodding or pendent, terminal on simple to much-branched branchlet systems or lateral. Sporophylls broad-ovate to broad-triangular. Sporangia attached to sporophyll bases or axillary; spores rugose. Gametophytes green, tuberous, lobed above, partly saprophytic.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Strobili pendent, terminal on short drooping branches, numerous; aerial system much-branched | Lycopodiella cernua |
| Strobili erect, terminal on erect shoots or on short erect lateral shoots; aerial system unbranched or once or twice branched | 2 |
2 | Lateral stems subterranean, much branched, erect to 60 cm or sometimes longer; strobili nodding | Lycopodiella lateralis |
| Lateral stems creeping; aerial stems unbranched and to 5 cm long; strobili erect Back to 1 | Lycopodiella serpentina |