Description: Tall shrubs or trees, dioecious. Buds not scaly.
Leaves alternate, prominently veined.
Inflorescence umbellate, several small flowers surrounded by bracts that persist at least to flowering stage. Flowers unisexual, 3-merous. Perianth segments 6 [or 0]. Male flowers with 9 [or 12, or more] stamens, outer 2 whorls usually glandless, inner whorl [or whorls] with a pair of stalked glands; anthers 4-locular, dehiscence introrse; a reduced carpel often present. Female flowers with staminodes, the same number as stamens in the male flowers.
Drupe ± ovoid; receptacle enlarging and forming a cup around the base of the fruit.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 400 species, widely distributed in warm areas of America, Pacific islands, Australia, Malesia, Asia. Australia: 11 species (10 species endemic, 1 species native), Qld, N.S.W., N.T., W.A.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves hairy on lower surface, especially on the veins, veins brown, upper surface glossy, hairs sometimes scattered along the primary vein | Litsea australis |
| Leaves glabrous and rather glossy on both surfaces, veins green | Litsea reticulata |