Fronds uniform to somewhat dimorphic, 1–3-pinnate; veins free, or sometimes loosely reticulate; pinnae shrivel when dried.
Sori submarginal, usually borne across 2 or more vein endings.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Fronds 1-pinnate, sometimes the lowermost pinnae further divided; fronds often somewhat dimorphic | 2 |
| Fronds 2–3-pinnate, sometimes 1-pinnate in the upper half of the frond; fronds not markedly dimorphic | 6 |
2 | Pinnae fan-shaped or rhombic | 3 |
| Pinnae lanceolate to ± ovate; veins loosely anastomosing Back to 1 | Lindsaea fraseri |
3 | Veins anastomosing | Lindsaea obtusa |
| Veins free Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Stipe and rachis red-brown to black | Lindsaea linearis |
| Stipe and rachis straw-coloured Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Fertile pinnae and median sterile pinnae attached asymmetrically | Lindsaea brachypoda |
| Pinnae fan-shaped Back to 4 | Lindsaea dimorpha |
6 | Lamina of fronds linear, <1.5 cm wide | Lindsaea incisa |
| Lamina of fronds oblong or triangular-oblong, 2–6 cm wide Back to 1 | 7 |
7 | Stipe straw-coloured, except at the very base; lamina yellowish green, 3-pinnatifid | Lindsaea microphylla |
| Stipe reddish brown; lamina dark green, 2-pinnate at least at base, upper pinna pinnatifid Back to 6 | Lindsaea trichomanoides |