Description: Annual herb.
Leaves alternate and scattered along stems, simple, margins entire; sessile or petiolate.
Inflorescences terminal, corymbs or racemes. Sepals scarcely fused, subequal. Corolla tube often longer than the sepals, not split, zygomorphic with radiating subequal lobes; labellum at least half as long as the corolla lobes, erect, hooded and covering the column, sensitive. Column not sensitive, erect with terminal anthers and a stigma covered by the labellum. Ovary inferior with 2 carpels, 1- or incompletely 2-locular with many ovules on a basal placenta.
Fruit a capsule, 2-valved.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 8 species, endemic Australia. Australia: N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A.
Text by L. C. Stanberg Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Levenhookia dubia |