Synonyms: Meeboldina APNI* Stenotalis APNI*
Description: Dioecious perennial herbs, tufted or with a hard creeping rhizome. Culms simple or branched, leafless except for the sheaths which are usually closely appressed and may bear a rudimentary lamina. Male and female inflorescences nearly similar or very dissimilar.
Spikelets in both sexes with a number of flowers or, rarely, 1-flowered in the female [the latter sometimes irregularly aggregated into compound spikelets]; glumes imbricate; bracteoles absent [or sometimes present in the female]. Tepals usually 6, rarely 5 or 4, unequal, the 2 exterior slightly longer and keeled. Male stamens 3, rarely 2; anthers oblong, 1-locular, attached near the base; filaments short. Female staminodia 3 and small, or absent; ovary 1-locular, triquetrous, with a single ovule; style branches 3, rarely 2.
Fruit a small nut.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 14–25 species, Malesia, Australia, New Zealand, & Chile. Australia: 14–22 species (12 species endemic), all States.
Text by A. L. Quirico & B. G. Briggs Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Leptocarpus tenax |