Description: Palm-like dioecious plants with a usually unbranched trunk covered by the persistent leaf bases; all parts ± pubescent when young but some glabrescent with age.
Leaves numerous, large, simply pinnate, not twisted; pinnae numerous, spreading, inserted ± alternately along the upper midline of the rachis; stomates confined to the lower surface; base of petiole swollen, shortly tomentose. Cataphylls abundant.
Cones subsessile, usually solitary, axillary or appearing terminal, surrounded at the base by velvety-tomentose cataphylls. Male cones ± cylindrical. Female cones ovoid; sporophyll ends deflexed, the tips sometimes again turned upwards, each with 2, or rarely 3, large ovules.
Seeds large, the outer layer fleshy.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld, N.S.W.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept: