Synonyms: Hedypnois Mill. APNI*
Description: Annual to perennial rosette herbs, with a taproot or tuberous, with forked or stellate non-glandular hairs.
Leaves all basal, entire to pinnatifid; cauline leaves absent or reduced to small bracts.
Heads solitary or several per stem, cylindrical; involucral bracts 3-seriate, unequal, lanceolate; receptacle flat, naked, pitted. Florets all ligulate, linear to oblong.
Achenes ± cylindrical, longitudinally ribbed, transversely muricate; either inner beaked or all not beaked; pappus 1 or 2 rows or bristles, outer short and scabrid or absent, inner longer and usually plumose, sometimes reduced to short scales on outer achenes.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 50 species, Europe, western Asia.
Australia: 3 species (introduced ), 2 in NSW.
Text by L. Murray; updated by PG Wilson, Sept. 2019 Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves all basal; mature achenes brownish, beaked | Leontodon saxatilis |
| Leaves basal and cauline; mature achenes dark, not distinctly beaked | Leontodon rhagadioloides |