Synonyms: Lechenaultia australis APNI*
Description: Herbs, multistemmed perennials or shrubs, glabrous [or sometimes hairy].
Flowers in cymo-panicles or solitary and often terminal, with or without bracts. Sepals 5, free. Corolla white, blue, red or yellow, 2-lipped, without auricles. Stamens epigynous; anthers loosely cohering in a tube around the style. Ovary inferior, 2-locular; indusium 2-lipped; ovules several, arranged in 2 rows on each side of the septum.
Fruit a capsule dividing transversely into hard woody articles each containing 1 seed and leaving 5 long strips of tissue attached to the stalk.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 21 species, Australia & New Guinea. Australia: 21 species (20 species endemic), mainland States.
Text by R. C. Carolin Taxon concept: