Description: Perennial herbs with thick rhizome; rarely with well-developed stem.
Leaves basal, linear, V-shaped in cross section, glabrous, margins smooth to minutely toothed or with scattered teeth towards apex.
Inflorescence simple, terminal, a subspicate raceme, with colour more intense towards apex, often giving a bicoloured appearance. Perianth cylindrical, fused with short, spreading lobes. Stamens as long as perianth or longer at anthesis, the 3 stamens opposite the inner tepals longer than the others; anthers dorsifixed. Style filiform, exserted after anthesis and exceeding stamens; stigma minute, capitate.
Capsule elongate to ovoid, trigonous; seeds numerous, flattened, acutely 3-angled or winged.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 70 species, Africa, Madagascar & Arab. Australia: 1 species (naturalized), N.S.W., Vic.
Text by D. C. Godden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Kniphofia uvaria |