Description: Caespitose or rhizomatous perennials with intervaginal innovations.
Ligule a ciliate rim, long hairs usually present at the orifice; blade folded in bud.
Inflorescence an open panicle. Spikelets with 2–6 bisexual florets, usually with reduced florets above; disarticulating above the glumes and between the lemma. Glumes more or less equal, 1–7-nerved, glabrous to scaberulous along the nerves, longer than the florets, acute. Lemmas 9-nerved, bilobed, awned from the sinus of the lobes, with an indumentum of scattered long hairs covering the back of the lemma; awn with a distinct column and bristle; the column flat, twisted at maturity; bristle capillary, longer than the column, tapering to a fine point; palea subequal to or exceeding the sinus of the lemma, truncate to bilobed. Anther 3, large red to purple.
Distribution and occurrence: 3 endemic species. NSW, Vic, S.A.