Description: Emergent aquatic, perennial or annual, stoloniferous, the juveniles usually submerged. Stems mostly floating, attached to substratum, rooting at nodes.
Leaves radical or in clusters along stem; petiole much longer than blade, with transverse septa; blade mostly floating, ovate to suborbicular; apex obtuse.
Inflorescence of axillary clusters, umbels, or flowers solitary. Petals usually yellow. Stamens 6–numerous; staminodes usually present. Ovary superior; carpels usually 3 or 6 (–8), free or fused at base.
Fruiting carpels linear-lanceolate, c. 15 mm long, united at base; style beak-like, persistent. Seeds small, curved.
Distribution and occurrence: 5 species; North America; South America.
Text by S.W.L. Jacobs and K.A. McColl, Flora of Australia Online [accessed 3 May 2023]. Taxon concept: Flora of North America. Volume 22