Description: Erect or scandent shrubs or vines.
Leaves opposite, deciduous or persistent, petiolate, margins entire, toothed or lobed.
Inflorescences paniculate, corymbose or pyramidal, with sterile flowers present or with only fertile flowers. Fertile flowers bisexual. Sepals 4 or 5, inconspicuous, enlarged in sterile flowers, united at base, adnate to ovary and forming hypanthium; aestivation valvate. Petals 4 or 5, reflexed, free or united, deciduous during anthesis, usually ovate, rarely spathulate, white, pink, blue or yellow; aestivation valvate. Stamens 8 or 10, rarely up to 20, free; filaments as long or longer than petals. Ovary 2–4(–5)-locular, partly inferior to inferior; ovules numerous, pendent, erect or horizontal. Styles free or united at base; stigma capitate or decurrent along style. Sterile flowers few, arranged on the periphery of inflorescence, with 3–5 enlarged petaloid sepals.
Fruit a capsule, hemispherical or turbinate; dehiscence apical interstylar. Seeds ellipsoidal, fusiform, obovoid or urceolate, winged or unwinged.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 86 species from eastern Asia and south-east North America, Central America and western South America. Australia:1 species doubtfully naturalised Qld, N.S.W., Vic.
Text by Adapted from D. Ohlsen by K.L. Gibbons, 30 June 2023. Taxon concept: D. Ohlsen, VicFlora [accessed 30 June 2023]. Distribution and occurrence: Kew Plants of the World Online; Australian Plant Census [both accessed 30 June 2023].