Description: Herbs erect or ascending, rhizomatous; stems longitudinally ridged and sulcate.
Leaves entire; petioles shorter than leaf blades; stipules membranous.
Inflorescence a terminal or leaf-opposed spike, with 4, rarely 6–8, white, petal-like involucral bracts at base. Flowers white when mature, small. Stamens 3, rarely 4, longer than styles; filaments c. 3 x as long as anthers, basal part connate to ovary; anthers oblong. Pistils 3, 3-carpelled; carpels partly connate; ovary semi-inferior (flowers perigynous), 1-locular; placentae 3, each with 6–9 ovules; styles 3, recurved.
Capsule subglobose, dehiscent at apex.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, East and South Asia. Australia: 1 species (naturalised).
Text by SF Mccune (July 2021) Taxon concept: Flora of China vol 4: 109, 1999.
One species in NSW: Houttuynia cordata |