Description: Shrubs.
Leaves opposite, decussate, often laterally compressed, so that the leaf is thicker than wide, linear to terete to ± oblanceolate in side view.
Inflorescence consisting of single flowers in the upper leaf axils of undifferentiated shoots, or sometimes flowers condensed into a corymbose head or a 1–4-flowered axillary pseudoinflorescence; flowers enclosed by 2 bracteoles in bud, caducous or persisting until flower opens. Flowers 5-merous, yellow or white to orange or red. Hypanthium extending above the ovary; mostly 5-ribbed. Sepals undivided or with 2–12 slender laciniate lobes or projections. Stamens 10, alternating with 10 staminodes; anthers globose, opening by terminal pores. Ovary half-inferior, 1-locular, placentation basal, ovules 2–10; style projecting from flower, bearing a ring of hairs below stigma.
Fruit enclosed in hypanthium, only slightly enlarged from flower, indehiscent; seeds 1 or 2.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 31 spp., endemic Aust., Qld, N.S.W., S.A.
Text by G.J. Harden Taxon concept: Key adapted from Copeland et al. 2011
| Key to the species | |
1 | Flowers held erect | 2 |
| Flowers pendulous | 14 |
2 | Sepal apex long-acuminate | 3 |
| Sepal apex always laciniate, divided into 2–12 long, slender processes Back to 1 | 10 |
3 | Peduncles 6–16 mm long | Homoranthus floydii |
| Peduncles <4 mm long Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Hypanthium densely hairy between the ribs with thin, unicellular trichomes | Homoranthus croftianus |
| Hypanthium tuberculate or smooth between the ribs, lacking thin, unicellular trichomes Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Hypanthium tuberculate between the ribs with broad, rounded, multicellular trichomes | 6 |
| Hypanthium smooth between the ribs, multicellular trichomes absent Back to 4 | 8 |
6 | Plants erect, >1 m tall; petals, sepals and style creamy white; coastal species | Homoranthus virgatus |
| Plants weakly erect, <0.8 m tall; petals, sepals and style yellow; inland species Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Hypanthium 3.4–4.7 mm long; leaves slightly glaucous | Homoranthus flavescens |
| Hypanthium 2.0–3.2 mm long; leaves strongly glaucous Back to 6 | Homoranthus prolixus |
8 | Leaf blade lunate to narrow-oblanceolate in side view, >1.1 mm thick at deepest point | Homoranthus lunatus |
| Leaf blade linear in side view, <1 mm thick Back to 5 | 9 |
9 | Plants ascending, >0.25 m tall; leaves dull, slightly glaucous | Homoranthus melanostictus |
| Plants decumbent, <0.2 m tall; leaves shiny, never glaucous Back to 8 | Homoranthus bebo |
10 | Flowers in pairs, borne on a peduncle-like internode (pseudopeduncle) | 11 |
| Flowers in groups of 3 or more; flowering branchlets unmodified Back to 2 | 12 |
11 | Leaf blade linear in side view, <1mm thick | Homoranthus biflorus |
| Leaf blade incurved oblanceolate in side view, >1.3 mm thick Back to 10 | Homoranthus binghiensis |
12 | Hypanthium densely hairy between the ribs with thin, unicellular trichomes | Homoranthus croftianus |
| Hypanthium tuberculate or smooth between the ribs, lacking thin, unicellular trichomes Back to 10 | 13 |
13 | Hypanthium tuberculate between the ribs; sepal apex with 3–6 laciniae | Homoranthus elusus |
| Hypanthium smooth between the ribs, sepal apex usually with 2–3 laciniae Back to 12 | Homoranthus bruhlii |
14 | Leaves 2.5–4.5 mm long; bracteoles persistent after anthesis | Homoranthus darwinioides |
| Leaves 5–11 mm long; bracteoles caducous Back to 1 | Homoranthus cernuus |