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Genus Hibbertia Family Dilleniaceae

Synonyms: Adrastaea APNI*

Description: Small to large shrubs or climbers, often forming mats.

Leaves usually sessile or subsessile, leaves on short axillary shoots often clustered and smaller than leaves on main stems; stipules minute or absent.

Flowers solitary and terminal or apparently axillary, pedunculate or sessile in a whorl of floral leaves and bracts. Sepals 5, glabrous or hairy; the 2 'outer' sepals marginally overlap the 3 'inner' ones. Petals 5, yellow. Stamens few or numerous, surrounding carpels and usually arranged in ± 3 groups or sometimes all on one side of the carpels, occasionally some reduced to staminodes; anthers erect, generally oblong, dehiscing by longitudinal slits or [terminal pores]. Carpels usually 2–5, free or nearly so; ovules usually 2–6 in each carpel; styles filiform.

Fruit a follicle dehiscent at the top; seeds reniform or globose, aril present.

Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 115 species, Australia, Madagascar, Pacific islands. Australia: c. 110 species, all States.

This genus is under revision. Intermediates occur between some taxa and these complicate the delineation and identification of certain species.

Text by G. J. Harden & J. Everett
Taxon concept:

Taxa not yet included in identification key
Hibbertia acaulothrix,    Hibbertia circinata,    Hibbertia coloensis,    Hibbertia crinita,    Hibbertia demissa,    Hibbertia dispar,    Hibbertia ericifolia,    Hibbertia expansa,    Hibbertia florida,    Hibbertia fruticosa,    Hibbertia fumana,    Hibbertia horricomis,    Hibbertia intermedia,    Hibbertia oligodonta,    Hibbertia oxycraspedota,    Hibbertia pachynemidium,    Hibbertia parvifolia,    Hibbertia pilifera,    Hibbertia planifolia,    Hibbertia porcata,    Hibbertia pustulata,    Hibbertia rigens,    Hibbertia salicifolia,    Hibbertia singularis,    Hibbertia spanantha,    Hibbertia stichodonta,    Hibbertia stricta,    Hibbertia sulcinervis,    Hibbertia surcularis,    Hibbertia woronorana

 Key to the species 
1Stamens inserted all around the carpels, but sometimes more numerous on one side; staminodes occasionally present; carpels 1–many2
Stamens all on one side of the carpels; usually all stamens fertile or sometimes staminodes present and surrounding the carpels; carpels usually 225
2Carpels glabrous, usually 1 or 3 or more3
Carpels hairy, usually 2 or 3
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3Climbing or trailing shrubs with stems to 4 m long; most leaves more than 15 mm wide4
Erect or prostrate shrubs, not climbing; most leaves less than 10 mm wide
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4Leaves tapering at the base, sessile and stem-clasping; margins usually entireHibbertia scandens
Leaves with lamina obtuse at base, distinctly petiolate; margins toothed
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Hibbertia dentata
5Leaves narrow-linear to more or less terete, mostly less than 1 mm wide6
Leaves linear to obovate or elliptic, more than 1 mm wide
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6Leaves clustered, margins incurved7
Leaves scattered (sometimes appearing clustered owing to growth of short axillary shoots), margins tightly involute
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Hibbertia virgata
7Leaves less than 10 mm long; stamens 8–12Hibbertia fasciculata
Leaves more than 15 mm long; stamens 15–20
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Hibbertia elata
8Stamens less than 309
Stamens more than 30. (The species H. obtusifolia s.str., H. sp. B, H. kaputarensis and H. acuminata may be included under this extremely variable species or complex as Hibbertia obtusifolia s. lat.)
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9Leaves linear-cuneate, cuneate or oblanceolate, folded longitudinally, generally with several prominent teeth on the truncate apex or apex emarginate; plants erect; stamens 10–12 or 15–30; carpel solitary or 310
Leaves not folded longitudinally, variable in shape and generally entire but if not, then teeth or lobes lateral and plants prostrate; apex variable but not toothed-truncate; plants prostrate or erect; stamens more than 14; carpels more than 1
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10Stamens 10–12; carpel solitary; leaves and stems generally glabrousHibbertia monogyna
Stamens 15–30; carpels usually 3; leaves and stems glabrous or more often hairy
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Hibbertia circumdans
11All sepals silky; leaves mostly more than 30 mm longHibbertia saligna
Sepals glabrous to hairy but never with all sepals silky; most leaves less than 30 mm long
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12Leaves with length to width ratio of less than 4:113
Leaves with length to width ratio of more than 4:1
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13All sepals glabrous; leaves with lateral teeth or lobes or leaves less than 6 mm long; plant more or less prostrate; leaves and stems glabrous or occasionally with short hairsHibbertia diffusa
Outer sepals villous in upper half; leaves generally entire and more than 6 mm long; plant erect; stems and leaves villous with whitish hairs 1–3 mm long
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Hibbertia villosa
14Sepals 10–15 mm long; carpels generally 4Hibbertia procumbens
Sepals 5–6 mm long; carpels usually 3
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Hibbertia linearis
15Sepals glabrous, sparsely hairy or margins ciliate16
All sepals densely hairy
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16Stems and leaves greyish, shortly tomentose to glabrous; margins of leaves usually recurvedHibbertia obtusifolia
Stems whitish-tomentose, leaves with white hairs towards base, otherwise glabrous except for ciliate margins; leaves more or less flat
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Hibbertia sp. B sensu Harden (1990)
17Sepals obtuse to acute; leaves and young stems shortly greyish-tomentose to glabrous18
Sepals acuminate; young leaves and stems with scattered long whitish hairs
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Hibbertia acuminata
18Sepals rusty- to whitish-tomentoseHibbertia kaputarensis
Sepals greyish-pubescent
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Hibbertia obtusifolia
19Leaves more or less oblong to linear or narrow-lanceolate, usually less than 10 mm long and less than 2.5 mm wide, margins recurved or revolute; stems, calyces and leaves glabrous or shortly hairy, hairs mostly simple20
Leaves elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate to spathulate, usually more than 10 mm long and more than 2.5 mm wide, more or less flat; stems, calyces and lower surface of leaves shortly stellate-hairy or with long simple hairs
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20Peduncles longer than the leavesHibbertia pedunculata
Flowers sessile or on obscure peduncles 1–2 mm long
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21Sepals glabrous except for ciliate margins or rarely minutely hairy; staminodes absentHibbertia serpyllifolia
Sepals densely and conspicuously hairy; staminodes usually present
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22Sepals villous, hairs simple; stamens c. 30Hibbertia vestita
Sepals velvety to pubescent, hairs stellate; stamens 6–12
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Hibbertia cistoidea
23Stamens less than 20; stems, calyces and at least lower surface of leaves densely hairy with short stellate hairs24
Stamens more than 20; stems, calyces and leaves pilose with more or less simple or sparsely branched hairs
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Hibbertia marginata
24Most leaves more than 25 mm long; stamens 6Hibbertia hexandra
Leaves generally less than 25 mm long; stamens more than 9
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Hibbertia hermanniifolia
25Carpels glabrous; outer surface of sepals glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy26
Carpels hairy, sometimes sparsely hairy to glabrescent; outer surface of sepals generally hairy but sometimes glabrous
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26Leaves crowded and clustered; older stems brownish, not polishedHibbertia fasciculata
Leaves scattered; older stems reddish, polished
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27Flowers axillary on peduncles c. 10 mm long28
Flowers terminal, ± sessile
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28Stamens 4; leaves mostly <8 mm longHibbertia rufa
Stamens 6–8; leaves usually >8 mm long
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Hibbertia acicularis
29Weak-stemmed plant with trailing stems; stamens 4, filaments fused; form confined to the New England and Gibraltar Ra. districtsHibbertia rufa
Stout-stemmed plant with erect stems; stamens c. 6, filaments not fused; southwards from Sydney district and Blue Mtns
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Hibbertia cistiflora
30Flowers pedunculate, peduncles 2–15 mm long31
Flowers sessile or almost so
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31Leaves pungent or rarely not pungent, upper surface ± glabrous; sepals glabrous to sparsely hairy, hairs usually ± hookedHibbertia acicularis
Leaves not pungent, apex acute to obtuse, upper surface distinctly hairy; sepals stellate-hairy or silky
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32Stamens 2–9 (usually 4–6)33
Stamens 9 (usually 10–12)
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33Lower surface of leaves ± densely hairy with stellate hairs (rarely mixed stellate and hooked simple hairs on juvenile leaves)Hibbertia aspera
Lower surface of leaves (except midrib and near margins) ± covered with simple hooked hairs, or glabrescent
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Hibbertia empetrifolia
34Stamens 9–12; petals <10 mm long35
Stamens 12–15; petals >10 mm long
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Hibbertia covenyana
35Bracts subtending flowers up to half as long as the calyx36
Bracts subtending flowers two-third as long as calyx
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36Lower surface of leaves densely covered with stellate hairs; confined to far South Coast (SC)Hibbertia notabilis
Lower surface of leaves (except midrib and near margins) covered with simple hooked hairs; restricted to the Blue Mtns (CT)
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Hibbertia decumbens
37Upper surface of leaves and outer calyx lobes usually hairy with simple, rarely stellate hairsHibbertia hirta
Upper surface of leaves and outer calyx lobes with simple hairs over stellate hairs
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38Leaves 2.7–7 mm wide; stamens 12; only known from the Gibraltar Ra. (NC)Hibbertia rhynchocalyx
Leaves 1–2.5 mm wide; stamens 6–12; widespread, but not common, not recorded for Gibraltar Ra. (NC CC NT CT NWS)
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Hibbertia cistoidea
39Leaves flat or with slightly recurved margins, oblanceolate to oblong, mostly >3 mm wide40
Leaves with revolute margins, linear to narrow-oblong or oblanceolate, generally <3 mm wide
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40Sepals densely silkyHibbertia bracteata
Sepals glabrous
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Hibbertia nitida
41Leaves and branches with simple hairs, or mostly simple, but with a few stellate hairs also present42
Leaves and branches with stellate or short and bristle-like with 1–several arising from a tubercle, sometimes mixed with long simple hairs
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42Leaves with lower surface usually exposed between revolute margin and mid-vein; leaves villous to appressed hairy43
Leaves with lower surface not exposed between revolute margin and mid-vein; leaves puberulous to glabrescent
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43Leaves (2.4-)3–4.5(-7.5) mm wide; mid-vein not or scarcely raisedHibbertia praemorsa
Leaves up to 2.4 mm wide; mid-vein depressed or slightly to distinctly raised
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44Leaves c. 1 mm wide; mid-vein depressed or only slightly raised; stamens 8–14Hibbertia calycina
Leaves 1.1–2.4 mm wide; mid-vein distinctly raised and/or broadened; stamens 6–9
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Hibbertia superans
45Ovary puberulous to glabrescent, sometimes almost villous; leaves narrowly triangular to almost linearHibbertia puberula
Ovary hairy (villose or tomentose); leaves more or less linear
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46Calyx lobes with margin recurved and surface strongly accrescent; ovary tomentoseHibbertia tenuifolia
Calyx lobes more or less flat, margin not recurved, surface scarcely accrescent; ovary villose
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Hibbertia simulans
47Leaves mostly narrow-oblanceolate, apex cuneate to emarginateHibbertia cistoidea
Leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, apex obtuse to acute
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48Branches and leaves greyish, softly hairy; hairs of branches and leaves with of two lengths, short and long; flowers with tuffs of hairs between petals and stamensHibbertia incana
Branches and leaves mostly green (a greyish hairy form confined to porphyry and granite areas in NT and NWS); hairs of branches and leaves all short, sometimes mixed with longer simple hairs; flowers lacking tuffs of hairs between petals and stamens
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Hibbertia riparia

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