Description: Spreading rhizomatous submerged perennial; stems erect, deciduous, unbranched, both fertile and vegetative stems present.
Leaves distichous; blade linear; sheath open, more persistent than blade.
Inflorescence superficially similar to vegetative shoot, a racemose or rarely paniculate arrangement of spatheate 1-sided spadices. Spadix enclosed in the spathe; axis flattened, thickened. Flowers unisexual, naked, arranged alternately in 2 rows; retinacula membranous, 1 on the margin of the spadix axis adjacent to each male flower.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 4 species, Australia & Chile. Australia: 3 species (native).
Perhaps better included in Zostera - needs further study - see Jacobs and Les (2009) Telopea 12: 419-423.
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs (1993); edited KL Wilson (Feb 2013) Taxon concept: