Description: Perennial herbs, scapose, clump-forming, rhizomatous from fibrous or fleshy contractiel roots often enlarged at ends.
Leaves many, basal, sessile, long-linear, 2-ranked, bases sheathing.
Inflorescence clusters 2 or 1; flowers mostly diurnal and ephemeral, slightly irregular; tepals 6, connate basally into short, funnelform to campanulate tube, distinct apical lobes imbricate, spreading, inner broader than outer. Stamens 6, adnate to throat of tube; filaments unequal; anthers dorsifixed, introrsely dehiscent. Ovary superior, 3-locular; septal nectaries present; style with stigma indistiinctly 3-lobed or capitate.
Fruit a capsule, leathery, dehiscent loculicidally. Seeds rarely produced or many.
Distribution and occurrence: Members of this genus are commonly cultivated as ornamentals. H. fulva has been recorded as naturalised once in the Blue Mountains.
Text by KL Wilson (June 2008); edited KL Wilson (July 2015) Taxon concept: GB Straley and FH Utech (2002) Flora of North America vol 26
One species in NSW: Hemerocallis fulva |