Description: Evergreen woody climbers or shrubs.
Leaves alternate, simple, margins entire or palmately lobed; stipules absent; lamina usually glossy and dark green on upper surface, lower surface paler.
Inflorescences pedunculate, of 8–many-flowered umbels; umbels solitary or in terminal panicles; flowers pedicellate, pedicels continuous with receptacle (not articulated). Ovary semi-inferior, 4- or 5-locular, surmounted by a conspicuous domed disk; styles 4 or 5, fully fused.
Fruit a globose drupe with 2–5 whitish seeds.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 15 spp., Eur., N Afr., Asia. Aust.: 1 or 2 spp. (naturalized). Ivy
Text by M. J. Henwood & R. O. Makinson Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Hedera helix |