Synonyms: Austrocynoglossum APNI*
Description: Perennial herbs; stems erect or decumbent with retrorse hairs, thorn-like in H. latifolia.
Leaves alternate, petiolate.
Inflorescence with or without leaf-like bracts; flowers short or long-pedicellate. Sepals fused at base. Corolla actinomorphic, narrowly funnel-shaped with 5 saccate faucal scales in the throat opposite the lobes. Stamens included; anthers ± sessile, appendages short and acute. Ovary 4-lobed; style very short; stigma capitate.
Fruit of 4 spiny mericarps splitting from a low, convex gynobase. Glochids closely packed and evenly distributed over the convex outer mericarp face, marginal glochids free or nearly free, not fused at base forming a marginal wing; cicatrix on an indistinct subapical 'beak'.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 45 species. Australia: 2 species, both endemic.
Text by Peter G. Wilson & Matt A.M. Renner Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Plant prostrate, leaves broadly ovate to rotund-procumbent, stems with prominent thorn-like backward pointing statolith hairs | Hackelia latifolia |
| Plant erect, leaves lanceolate, stems lacking prominent thorn-like statolith hairs | Hackelia suaveolens |