Description: Densely tufted perennials. Culms rigid, nodeless.
Leaves basal; blade rigid, flat or concave; ligule membranous and ciliate; sheath long-ciliate on upper margins.
Inflorescence a terminal, dense, globose head; involucral bracts leaf-like. Spikelets numerous, compressed, with 1 bisexual flower and a male one below it. Glumes 6–8, ± distichous, lowest few sterile and remaining with inflorescence when uppermost glumes and nut fall. Hypogynous bristles 2 or 3, filiform, antrorsely scabrous. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid.
Nut with the outermost layer loose, thin, easily removed.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, endemic Australia. Australia: N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A.
Text by K. L. Wilson Taxon concept: