Leaves dorsiventral to ± terete [or vertically flattened]; simple and entire or toothed, or variously pinnately or ternately divided with up orders of division ; margins flat to revolute or refracted (sharply bent inwardsd angular in cross section).
Unit conflorescences (ultimate flowering axes, including flowers) 1- to many-flowered, irregular to regular, secund, or not secund and cylindrical ormbelloid to ± globose. Flowers zygomorphic (perianth occasionally not so); receptacle dish-like, transverse to oblique on the pedicel. Tepals 4 [rarely 3]; limb (knob at apex of bud) declined or erect. Anthers sessile. Hypogynous glands fused to form a horseshoe-shaped [rarely annular] nectary [or rarely absent]. Ovary stipitate or sessile, ovules 2; pollen presenter discoid to ± conical, oblique to erect or lateral on the style.
Fruit a follicle [rarely an achene], 2- or 1-seeded; seeds with a membranous wing, or with a terminal elaiosome (oil body), or unbordered.
Many species and artificial hybrids are important in horticulture. G. robusta and G. hilliana have been used commercially for timber.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Ovary with hairs. | 2 |
| Ovary glabrous. | 4 |
2 | Leaves EITHER entire and linear, 6–30 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, OR 2–10-partite with similarly long and narrow lobes; margins of leaves revolute, enclosing all or nearly all of the lower surface (except for the midvein). | 8 |
| Leaves entire, or toothed or divided; variously shaped, if entire leaves or ultimate lobes linear then <6 cm long and/or >3 mm wide and/or the undersurface exposed on either side of the midvein. Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Inner surface of perianth glabrous. | 11 |
| Inner surface of perianth with few to many hairs. Back to 2 | 29 |
4 | Stipe of ovary short (<1.5 mm long), and swollen, almost as wide as ovary, and with a tuft of hairs on the ventral side. | 57 |
| Stipe of ovary 1–12 mm long, slender, glabrous. Back to 1 | 5 |
5 | Conflorescences paniculately several- to many-branched, or rarely simple or basally 1–4-branched; unit conflorescences long-cylindrical or long-secund. | 60 |
| Conflorescences simple, or basally 1–3-branched; unit conflorescences regular-umbelloid or shortly and broadly secund or a loose short cluster. Back to 4 | 6 |
6 | Gynoecium >23 mm long. | 64 |
| Gynoecium ≤23 mm long. Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Gynoecium 14–23 mm long. | 72 |
| Gynoecium <14 mm long. Back to 6 | 87 |
8 | Ovary subsessile; perianth glabrous inside. | Grevillea juncifolia |
| Ovary stipitate; perianth hairy or glabrous inside. Back to 2 | 9 |
9 | Conflorescences simple or basally few-branched; unit conflorescence a loose cluster or shortly and untidily subcylindrical; ultimate floral rachises 4–12 mm long; flowers red to pink or orange; gynoecium 26–37 mm long. | Grevillea johnsonii |
| Conflorescences paniculately several-branched or occasionally simple; unit conflorescences dense, neatly cylindrical; ultimate floral rachises 50–100 mm long; flowers white to cream; gynoecium 10–22 mm long. Back to 8 | 10 |
10 | Most or all leaves simple and entire; pedicels 2–4 mm long, subvillous; thickest ultimate floral rachises ≤2 mm across, not or scarcely thicker (usually thinner) than the ultimate peduncles; floral bracts 4–6 mm long. | Grevillea pterosperma |
| Most or all leaves divided; pedicels 3–6 mm long, velvety; thickest ultimate floral rachises >2 mm across, markedly thinner than the ultimate peduncles; floral bracts 1.5–2.5 mm long. Back to 9 | Grevillea albiflora |
11 | Stipe of ovary 10–13 mm long; ovary with scattered minute simple erect hairs only. | Grevillea shiressii |
| Stipe of ovary <5 mm long, or ovary sessile; ovary usually densely clad, with non-glandular hairs only, or rarely glabrous in the upper half but then with a tuft of ascending hairs near the base on the ventral side. Back to 3 | 12 |
12 | Gynoecium 3–8 mm long; pollen presenter ± erect and strongly conical; unit conflorescences ovoid or loosely conico-cylindrical; all leaves deeply divided, usually with secondary and sometimes tertiary division. | 13 |
| Gynoecium 9–32 mm long; pollen presenter oblique on the style, discoid or convex or weakly conical; unit conflorescences strongly secund, or rarely cylindrical to conico-cylindrical and then the gynoecium ≥18 mm long; leaves variously divided, or entire. Back to 11 | 15 |
13 | Style hairy over at least 1/2 (and usually 2/3) of its length; unit conflorescence usually >25 mm long. | Grevillea ramosissima |
| Style glabrous over most of its length; unit conflorescences usually <20 mm long. Back to 12 | 14 |
14 | Limb of flower bud with a white indumentum; unit conflorescence opening weakly from base, ± cylindrical; flowers not crowded; gynoecium ≤5 mm long; pedicels <2 mm long. | Grevillea triternata |
| Limb of flower bud with brown hairs; unit conflorescence opening strongly from base, ovoid; flowers crowded; gynoecium 6–7.5 mm long; pedicels >3 mm long. Back to 13 | Grevillea raybrownii |
15 | Ovary sessile; unit conflorescence loosely cylindrical or conico-cylindrical, not secund; styles yellowish orange throughout (semi-arid zone). | Grevillea juncifolia |
| Ovary stipitate; unit conflorescence secund; styles red, pink, rarely cream or orange or yellow but then with a green tip. Back to 12 | 16 |
16 | Outer surface of perianth glabrous; leaves with linear lobes, pungent, strongly divaricate. | Grevillea rivularis |
| Outer surface of perianth with hairs; leaves not lobed or if lobed then lobes variously shaped, pungent or not, divaricate or not. Back to 15 | 17 |
17 | Lower surface of leaves glabrous, or with a sparse to dense indumentum of closely appressed hairs, the hairs straight to wavy (not tightly curled). | 18 |
| Lower surface of leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum of ascending to spreading hairs, the hairs straight to wavy or tightly curled. Back to 16 | 25 |
18 | Lower surface of leaves glabrous or nearly so, if hairs present then concentrated on and alongside the main veins; leaves with deep primary division; leaves with lobes rigid, pungent, and divaricate. | Grevillea acanthifolia |
| Lower surface of leaf with a more or less evenly distributed, sparse to dense indumentum; leaves entire or with shallow to deep primary division; leaves not lobed or with lobes rigid to pliable, pungent or not, not or scarcely divaricate. Back to 17 | 19 |
19 | All leaves entire. | 20 |
| Some or all leaves toothed or divided. Back to 18 | 21 |
20 | Most leaves at least 25 mm wide; plants prostrate. | Grevillea laurifolia |
| Most leaves <20 mm wide; plant an erect to spreading shrub. Back to 19 | Grevillea longifolia |
21 | Gynoecium 14–15 mm long, mid to light mauve-pink. | Grevillea wilkinsonii |
| Gynoecium 19–31 mm long, usually red to maroon, rarely cream, pink or yellowish. Back to 19 | 22 |
22 | Most or all leaves >12 cm long, <20 mm wide. | Grevillea longifolia |
| Most or all leaves <12 cm long, and/or >20 mm wide (breadth including lobes) Back to 21 | 23 |
23 | Lower surface of leaves with the ground tissue on either side of the midvein visible through an open to sparse indumentum; prostrate rhizomatous shrub, rarely if ever setting fruit; pedicels 3–8 mm long). | Grevillea renwickiana |
| Lower surface of leaves with the ground tissue on either side of the midvein concealed by a dense indumentum; prostrate to weakly erect shrubs, rarely rhizomatous, fruiting freely; pedicels 1–4.5 mm long. Back to 22 | 24 |
24 | Floral bracts ≤1 mm long; fruit borne erect on a straight stipe; leaves shallowly to very deeply divided; pollen presenter oblique at >45° to line of style. | Grevillea ilicifolia |
| Floral bracts 1–2.5 mm long; fruit borne on an incurved stipe; leaves shallowly toothed or divided; pollen presenter oblique at ≤45° to line of style. Back to 23 | Grevillea scortechinii |
25 | Most leaves ≤15 mm wide (breadth including lobes, if present). | Grevillea aspleniifolia |
| Most leaves at least 25 mm wide (breadth including lobes, if present). Back to 17 | 26 |
26 | Most or all leaves with deep primary division; leaves with lobes oblong or narrow-obovate or narrow-triangular; ultimate lobes ≤6 mm wide. | 27 |
| Either all leaves entire, or with ultimate teeth or lobes >6 mm wide and triangular to broadly so or oblong-ovate. Back to 25 | 28 |
27 | Gynoecium 15–19 mm long; usually most or all leaves with secondary teeth or lobes present, including on more distal primary lobes. | Grevillea beadleana |
| Gynoecium 25–28 mm long; most or all leaves with the primary lobes entire, rarely the basal ones with a secondary lobe. Back to 26 | Grevillea caleyi |
28 | Some or all leaves >15 cm long, ± elliptic in general outline; all leaves entire, or rarely divided with oblong-ovate lobes; SC & ST, coast and adjacent coastal ranges. | Grevillea macleayana |
| Leaves usually 3–7 cm long (rarely to 11 cm), ± cuneate in general outline; most or all leaves toothed or divided; SWP. Back to 26 | Grevillea ilicifolia |
29 | Style-end with an apical-dorsal appendage or apiculation. | 30 |
| Style-end lacking an apical-dorsal appendage or apiculation. Back to 3 | 31 |
30 | Pollen presenter narrow-elliptic, 1–1.6 mm wide; stylar appendage antrorsely directed to erect (very rarely slightly retrorse); lower surface of leaves with a loose villous indumentum, all hairs long and strongly ascending to wavy-erect; leaves linear-oblong to narrow-elliptic (rarely slightly narrow-oblanceolate); gynoecium 10–13 mm long. | Grevillea phylicoides |
| Pollen presenter round to broad-elliptic, 1.4–3.3 mm wide; style-end appendage retrorsely directed to erect (rarely slightly antrorse); lower surface of leaves with a loosely appressed to weakly ascending indumentum of short often matted hairs, with occasional longer hairs weakly emergent; leaves ovate or slightly obovate or narrow-oblong to elliptic; gynoecium 11–21 mm long. Back to 29 | Grevillea buxifolia |
31 | Unit conflorescence erect, very regular, umbelloid, style curved inward towards, or outwards from, the rachis axis; tepals remaining coherent (except along dorsal suture) after release of style-end, and turning outwards to form a platform held ventrally to the style, with most of the hairy inner perianth surface displayed; gynoecium 9–13 mm long. | 32 |
| Unit conflorescences erect to decurved or pendent, 1- to few-flowered or an irregular cluster or shortly and broadly secund, or rarely subumbelloid but then usually decurved; tepals EITHER separating along dorsal suture and then held loosely together ventral to the style, not turning outwards to form a platform, OR sometimes partially turning outwards (but then the conflorescences usually decurved to pendent); gynoecium 9–32 mm long. Back to 29 | 35 |
32 | Flowers with the styles curved inward towards the rachis apex; leaves 1–2 mm wide, with most or all of the lower surface enclosed by the revolute margins. | Grevillea acerata |
| Flowers with the styles curved outwards from the rachis apex; leaves 1.5–8.5 mm wide, with most or all of lower surface exposed. Back to 31 | 33 |
33 | Branchlets and lower surfaces of leaves subsericeous (the hairs appressed). | Grevillea sphacelata |
| Branchlets tomentose to villous (the hairs ascending to spreading); lower surfaces of leaves loosely subsericeous to tomentose or villous. Back to 32 | 34 |
34 | Pollen presenter narrow-elliptic, 1–1.6 mm wide; style-end ± discoid, thin; lower surface of leaves with a loose villous indumentum, all hairs long and strongly ascending to wavy-erect; leaves linear-oblong to narrow-elliptic (rarely slightly narrow-oblanceolate); gynoecium 10–13 mm long. | Grevillea phylicoides |
| Pollen presenter round to broad-elliptic, 1.4–3.3 mm wide; style-end thick, hoof-like; lower surface of leaves with a loosely appressed to weakly ascending indumentum of short often matted hairs, with occasional longer hairs weakly emergent; leaves ovate or slightly obovate or narrow-oblong to elliptic; gynoecium 11–21 mm long. Back to 33 | Grevillea buxifolia |
35 | Perianth outer surface completely glabrous (including on limb). | 36 |
| Perianth with hairs on the outer surface (sometimes few and/or restricted to limb). Back to 31 | 41 |
36 | Lower surface of leaves with the lamina on either side of the midvein exposed, and glabrous or with scattered hairs along the midvein only. | 37 |
| Lower surface of leaves EITHER with the lamina on either side of the midvein concealed (enclosed by the revolute margin), OR exposed and then with hairs on the lamina on either side of the midvein. Back to 35 | 39 |
37 | Style loosely villous over at least the lower 2/3; ovary villous to openly villous, including on upper half . | Grevillea baueri |
| Style glabrous or with scattered hairs in lower half only; ovary with hairs restricted to a small tuft on the lower half (and on stipe) only. Back to 36 | 38 |
38 | Leaves narrow-elliptic, acute, ≤3 mm wide; conflorescence usually simple. | Grevillea rosmarinifolia |
| Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, usually >4 mm wide; conflorescence usually 2–10-branched. Back to 37 | Grevillea iaspicula |
39 | Style loosely tomentose to villous over at least 2/3 of its length; ovary villous over whole surface. | Grevillea lanigera |
| Style glabrous or with scattered erect hairs in basal half only; ovary with hairs restricted to a small tuft on ventral side near base only. Back to 36 | 40 |
40 | Leaves ascending, 0.7–3.0 mm wide, smooth or faintly granulose on upper surface; plant not rhizomatous nor lignotuberous; gynoecium 15–23 mm long. | Grevillea rosmarinifolia |
| Leaves spreading, 0.5–0.6 mm wide, scabrid on upper surface; plant at least sometimes rhizomatous or lignotuberous; gynoecium c. 16 mm long. Back to 39 | Grevillea divaricata |
41 | Lower surface of leaves mostly or wholly exposed AND either glabrous or with only a few hairs along the midvein; outer surface of perianth with hairs restricted to the limb. | Grevillea baueri |
| Lower surface of leaves either concealed by the revolute margins, or exposed and then hairy (hairs not confined to midvein); outer surface of perianth with hairs not restricted to limb. Back to 35 | 42 |
42 | Floral bracts conspicuous and persistent when flowers open and mostly >2 mm wide; perianth persistent to fruiting stage; conflorescence dense, subglobose. | Grevillea polybractea |
| EITHER floral bracts falling early, OR if persistent when flowers open then inconspicuous and <2 mm wide; perianth falling well before fruiting stage or rarely (G. floribunda only) persistent; conflorescence never dense and subglobose. Back to 41 | 43 |
43 | Nectary very conspicuous when perianth removed, tongue-shaped or shovel-like, projecting >1 mm laterally beyond receptacle rim into the perianth pouch. | Grevillea alpina |
| Nectary variously shaped (reniform, arcuate, cushion-like) but not tongue-shaped or shovel-like, projecting above receptacle rim but not or scarcely projecting laterally into the perianth pouch. Back to 42 | 44 |
44 | Apex of flower bud (i.e. limb) pointed (variously acute to acuminate or caudate). | 45 |
| Apex of flower bud (i.e. limb) rounded-obtuse. Back to 43 | 50 |
45 | Inner surface of perianth with the area above the conspicuous beard bearing a dense to open spreading indumentum (especially on ventral tepals) all the way to the limb segments; S from Tamworth W of the Great Dividing Range, S from Sydney E of the Divide. | Grevillea arenaria |
| Inner surface of perianth with the area above the conspicuous beard glabrous or with a very sparse indumentum; E of the Great Divide only, N from Hunter R./Hawkesbury R. watershed. Back to 44 | 46 |
46 | Lower surface of leaves with a dense matted indumentum (hairs not mutually aligned); fruit not developing. | Grevillea rhizomatosa |
| Lower surface of leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum of straight, mutually aligned hairs; fruit developing. Back to 45 | 47 |
47 | Beard on inner surface of perianth situated in 'throat' just below curve of the perianth; perianth prominently saccate near base on ventral side. | Grevillea masonii |
| Beard on inner surface of perianth situated near base; perianth oblong with a slight basal-ventral dilation. Back to 46 | 48 |
48 | Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein obscured by a dense even appressed indumentum, ground tissue not visible between the hairs at 10x magnification; branchlets with ± appressed hairs. | Grevillea montana |
| Lower surface of leaves on either side of midvein with the ground tissue clearly visible between the hairs at 10x magnification; branchlets with ± spreading hairs. Back to 47 | 49 |
49 | Leaves ≤20 mm long, apices obtuse; fruit borne transverse to pedicel with the style sharply inflected at the base; conflorescences 1–4-flowered. | Grevillea quadricauda |
| Leaves >20 mm long, apices acute; fruit borne erect on the pedicel with an erect style; conflorescence ≥6-flowered. Back to 48 | Grevillea banyabba |
50 | Outer surface of perianth with rusty brown hairs; longest floral rachis usually >15 mm long. | Grevillea floribunda |
| Outer surface of perianth with hairs mostly or all pale in colour (off-white to fawn or pinkish); longest floral rachis <15 mm long (and usually <10 mm long). Back to 44 | 51 |
51 | Inner surface of perianth with a conspicuous beard situated in upper half near "throat" of perianth. | 52 |
| Inner surface of perianth with the beard situated in the basal third. Back to 50 | 53 |
52 | Longest floral rachises (5-) 10–20 mm long; leaves 4–5 cm long. | Grevillea floribunda |
| Longest floral rachises 1–5 mm long; leaves mostly 0.5–2 (rarely to 3) cm long. Back to 51 | Grevillea masonii |
53 | Most leaves with an apical mucro 1–2 mm long; limb segment of each tepal with a prominent median keel (limb squarish in face view). | Grevillea mucronulata |
| Most leaves with apical mucro <1 mm long; limb segments of tepals not or scarcely keeled (limb ± globose in face view). Back to 51 | 54 |
54 | Pollen presenter ≤2 mm long (dorsal to ventral edge), round to ovate to elliptic in face view. | 55 |
| Pollen presenter >2 mm long, obovate or elliptic or oblong in face view, with a short basal attenuation. Back to 53 | 56 |
55 | Leaves on a plant usually all ± same size; pollen presenter convex with an inconspicuous stigma; gynoecium (14-)18–23 mm long; perianth pink to pinkish red with cream limb; habit rhizomatous . | Grevillea obtusiflora |
| Leaves on a plant usually very variable in size; pollen presenter flat with a prominent stigma; gynoecium 12–18 mm long; perianth green to cream; habit lignotuberous. Back to 54 | Grevillea kedumbensis |
56 | Leaves with lower surface appressed-sericeous, upper surface finely granulate (rarely coarsely so); peduncle densely hairy; gynoecium 21–24 mm long; fruit <15 mm long. | Grevillea granulifera |
| Leaves with lower surface subvillous, upper surface coarsely granulate; peduncle glabrous or sparsely hairy; gynoecium (21-)25–26 mm long; fruit c. 20 mm long. Back to 54 | Grevillea guthrieana |
57 | Leaves with the lower surface on either side of the midvein exposed, glabrous or nearly so. | 58 |
| Leaves with the lower surface mostly or wholly concealed by the revolute margins. Back to 4 | 59 |
58 | Leaves narrow-elliptic, acute, ≤3 mm wide; conflorescence usually simple; lower surface of leaves usually with at least a few hairs. | Grevillea rosmarinifolia |
| Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, usually >4 mm wide; conflorescence usually 2–10-branched; lower surface of leaves quite glabrous. Back to 57 | Grevillea iaspicula |
59 | Leaves ascending, 0.7–3.0 mm wide, smooth or faintly granulose on upper surface; plant not rhizomatous nor lignotuberous; gynoecium 15–23 mm long. | Grevillea rosmarinifolia |
| Leaves spreading, 0.5–0.6 mm wide, scabrid on upper surface; plant at least sometimes rhizomatous or lignotuberous; gynoecium c. 16 mm long. Back to 57 | Grevillea divaricata |
60 | Unit conflorescences long-secund; floral rachises 12–16 cm long; styles yellow-orange; all leaves divided, deeply lobed; tree 8–40 m high. | Grevillea robusta |
| Unit conflorescences regular-cylindrical; styles white to cream, or pale pink; leaves entire or variously divided; prostrate to erect shrubs, or trees. Back to 5 | 61 |
61 | Leaves flat, penniveined, some or all leaves (or ultimate lobes if leaves divided)≥15 mm wide; tree of subtropical rainforest. | Grevillea hilliana |
| Leaves flat or subterete, single-or parallel-veined, leaves (or lobes) ≤15 mm wide; shrubs or trees of the semi-arid zone. Back to 60 | 62 |
62 | Leaves entire, subterete, ungrooved, upper surface with a narrow rounded longitudinal ridge. | Grevillea nematophylla |
| Leaves entire or rarely a few divided, dorsiventral, with 2–13 grooves flanking the prominent veins on the lower surface. Back to 61 | 63 |
63 | Leaves 10–45 cm long, 2–15 mm wide, lower surface with 5–13 parallel longitudinal striations; erect spindly shrub or robust tree 3–15 m high. | Grevillea striata |
| Leaves 10–35 cm long, 0.7–2.5 mm wide, lower surface with a single longitudinal vein; bushy shrub 1.5–2 (rarely to 6) m high. Back to 62 | Grevillea stenobotrya |
64 | Stipe of ovary 4–13 mm long (including portion adnate to inner wall of the strongly oblique receptacle), AND gynoecium 23–32 mm long and glabrous. | 65 |
| Stipe of ovary ≤5 mm long, free, on a transverse to slightly oblique receptacle; gynoecium 23–36 mm long, glabrous or with minute hairs (these sometimes inconspicuous and confined to the apical 1–3 mm or the back of the pollen presenter). Back to 6 | 67 |
65 | Leaves divided; lobes pungent-pointed. | Grevillea huegelii |
| Leaves entire; apex pungent-pointed or not. Back to 64 | 66 |
66 | Leaves linear, rigid, pungen-pointed, 1–4 cm long, 1–2 mm wide; flowers red or deep pink. | Grevillea kennedyana |
| Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, neither rigid nor pungent-pointed, 6–21 cm long, 9–30 mm wide; flowers with green to cream perianth and red-brown to mauve style. Back to 65 | Grevillea shiressii |
67 | Apex of flower bud pointed (limb subpyramidal). | Grevillea oxyantha |
| Apex of flower bud obtuse (limb rounded or square). Back to 64 | 68 |
68 | Longest leaves ≤4 cm long. | 69 |
| Longest leaves >4 cm long. Back to 67 | 71 |
69 | Leaves narrow-obovate to subulate or linear, usually rigid and pungent, 1–6 mm wide; midvein on lower surface of leaves densely hairy and markedly diminishing in prominence towards the apex, often scarcely or not evident in apical half of leaves . | Grevillea juniperina |
| Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic or lanceolate or almost round, usually pliable, not pungent, (4-)7–45 mm wide; midvein of lower surface of leaves densely to sparsely hairy or glabrous, but always evident over full length of leaves. Back to 68 | 70 |
70 | Gynoecium 25–35 mm long; longest floral rachises 5–12 mm long; Sydney to Gosford and Kulnura. | Grevillea speciosa |
| Gynoecium ≤26 mm long; longest floral rachises 10–60 mm long; Snowy Mtns. Back to 69 | Grevillea victoriae |
71 | Gynoecium 27–36 mm long; floral rachises 1–8 mm long; Sydney to Illawarra and Blue Mtns. | Grevillea oleoides |
| Gynoecium ≤26 mm long; floral rachises 10–60 mm long; Snowy Mtns. Back to 68 | Grevillea victoriae |
72 | Leaves divided, lobes pungent-pointed; stipe of ovary 7–14 mm long. | Grevillea huegelii |
| Leaves entire, apex pungent or not; stipe of ovary ≤5 mm long. Back to 7 | 73 |
73 | Leaves with whole upper surface finely but tangibly granulate, to coarsely asperous. | Grevillea irrasa |
| Leaves with upper surface smooth (sometimes hairy but not granulate or asperous except minutely on edge of veins). Back to 72 | 74 |
74 | Leaves with a tangible velvety indumentum on the upper surface; conflorescences 2–8-flowered; N from Kempsey. | 75 |
| Leaves with the upper surface glabrous, or hairy but then the hairs usually appressed, rarely ascending, never velvety; conflorescences usually >8-flowered, rarely 2–8; chiefly south of the Hunter R., rarely far NC, or NT or NWS. Back to 73 | 76 |
75 | Gynoecium ≤16 mm long; perianth bichromatic, green in basal half, red above. | Grevillea linsmithii |
| Gynoecium 16–17 mm long; perianth bright red throughout. Back to 74 | Grevillea mollis |
76 | Apex of flower bud pointed (limb subpyramidal). | Grevillea oxyantha |
| Apex of flower bud obtuse (limb subglobose or square). Back to 74 | 77 |
77 | Broadest leaves ≤6 mm wide. | 78 |
| Broadest leaves >6 mm wide. Back to 76 | 81 |
78 | Leaves usually rigid, pungent, ≤3.5 cm long, often many clustered together on short lateral branchlets; midvein on lower surface of leaves as densely hairy as the adjacent lamina, and declining markedly in prominence in the apical half of the leaves (sometimes midvein altogether concealed by the revolute margins); branchlets ± terete in cross section . | Grevillea juniperina |
| Leaves rigid or pliable, usually not pungent, 1–5.5 cm long, solitary or in clusters of 3; midvein on lower surface of leaves glabrous or markedly less hairy than the adjacent lamina, maintaining prominence over full length of leaves, never concealed by the revolute margins; branchlets angular in cross section. Back to 77 | 79 |
79 | Pedicels 2.5–3.5 mm long; perianth and style bright red; low almost prostrate to weakly erect shrub 0.2–1 m high. | Grevillea molyneuxii |
| Pedicels 4–10 mm long; perianth and style white to cream or pink, rarely mauve; erect shrubs 0.5–2 m high. Back to 78 | 80 |
80 | Hairs on lower surface of leaves highly reflective, sparkling under strong light; leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic to sublinear, ≤4 cm long, <4 mm wide; far NC. | Grevillea humilis |
| Hairs on lower surface of leaves matt, not sparkling; leaves variable, obovate or elliptic or narrowly so and then 1–6 cm long and 2–9 mm wide, or rarely linear and then 6–12 cm long and 1–3 mm wide; Sydney Basin, W to Newnes and N to Hunter R.: CC, CT, CWS. Back to 79 | Grevillea sericea |
81 | Tepals all separating to level of ovary or below, and widely and evenly arching and splayed, all held within a 180° arc ventral to the gynoecium; hairs on the inner perianth surface displayed. | Grevillea sericea |
| Tepals coherent over their basal third to half, independently recoiled or recurved above, on either side of the gynoecium, the ventral pair more strongly recoiled than the dorsal pair; hairs on the inner perianth surface not displayed. Back to 77 | 82 |
82 | Limb of bud (limb segments of tepals) tomentose to villous, with ± spreading hairs. | Grevillea rhyolitica |
| Limb of bud (limb segments of tepals) with an appressed indumentum. Back to 81 | 83 |
83 | Lower surface of leaves with an open to sparse indumentum (ground tissue visible between hairs). | 84 |
| Lower surface of leaves with a dense indumentum (ground tissue concealed by hairs). Back to 82 | 85 |
84 | Longest leaves ≤4 cm long; new growth usually strongly flushed pink or purplish pink. | Grevillea parvula |
| Longest leaves 4–7 cm long; new growth not or scarcely flushed pink. Back to 83 | Grevillea epicroca |
85 | Longest floral rachises 20–60 mm long; longest leaves usually 5–14 cm long; flower buds rich rusty brown; upper surface of leaves with the lateral veins pale, strongly evident. | Grevillea victoriae |
| Longest floral rachises 6–25 mm long; longest leaves 2–5 (rarely to 7) cm long; flower buds red to pink or rusty brown; upper surface of leaves with the lateral veins obscure or weakly evident. Back to 83 | 86 |
86 | New vegetative growth usually strongly flushed pink or purplish pink (rarely green); pollen presenter usually ventrally very concave in cross section; branchlets tomentose to subvillous (spreading hairs). | Grevillea parvula |
| New vegetative growth green; pollen presenter usually flat in cross section; branchlets sericeous (appressed hairs) or occasionally weakly tomentose (ascending hairs). Back to 85 | Grevillea brevifolia |
87 | Leaves deeply and divaricately divided; gynoecium 4–6 mm long, glabrous; style with an ovoid swelling; perianth actinomorphic. | Grevillea anethifolia |
| Leaves entire; gynoecium 6–14 mm long, with minute hairs at least near the apex (sometimes on back of pollen presenter only); style slender except right at the apex; perianth zygomorphic. Back to 7 | 88 |
88 | Inner surface of perianth glabrous or with a few hairs only ± opposite the ovary. | 89 |
| Inner surface of perianth with a distinct beard of hairs ± opposite the ovary. Back to 87 | 91 |
89 | Lower surface of leaves 1-grooved, with the revolute margins completely concealing both lamina and midrib. | Grevillea australis |
| Lower surface of leaves either with the lamina on either side of the midvein mostly or wholly exposed, or with the lamina enclosed but the midrib still exposed. Back to 88 | 90 |
90 | Lower surface of leaves with midrib and lamina both bearing a similar dense indumentum; ground tissue of midvein not visible between the hairs, midrib on the lower surface often only evident in lower half of leaves (declining markedly in prominence towards apex). | Grevillea australis |
| Lower surface of leaves with hairs less dense on the midrib than on the exposed lamina, or midvein glabrous; midrib on the lower surface evident and prominent over full length of the leaves. Back to 89 | Grevillea imberbis |
91 | Tepals remaining ± coherent over their basal 1/3–1/2 after release of style-end, their apical portions independently recoiled or recurved on either side of the style, with the ventral pair more strongly recoiled than the dorsal pair; hairs on the inner surface of the perianth not displayed; pollen presenter lateral on style or almost so; perianth red, pinkish red, or rusty brown. | 92 |
| Tepals all separating to level of ovary (or below) after release of style-end, all held within a 180° arc ventral to the gynoecium; hairs on the inner surface of the perianth usually displayed; pollen presenter oblique on style; perianth red, pink, white or cream or greenish white. Back to 88 | 94 |
92 | Upper surface of leaves smooth, either glabrous or with appressed hairs and lacking a velvety feel; lower surface of leaves with ± appressed hairs; outer surface of perianth with a dense indumentum of rusty brown hairs. | Grevillea diminuta |
| Upper surface of leaves EITHER granulate to scabrid, OR with a tangible velvety indumentum; lower surface of leaves velvety to villous (long spreading hairs); perianth hairs red or pale. Back to 91 | 93 |
93 | Leaves granulate to scabrid on upper surface; perianth 1-coloured throughout, pink to pinkish red; SC. | Grevillea irrasa |
| Leaves velvety on upper surface, not granulate or scabrid; perianth 2-coloured, green at base, red above; NE N.S.W., NC & NT. Back to 92 | Grevillea linsmithii |
94 | Unit conflorescences ± regularly umbelloid (open flowers arranged in full 360° about rachis, or a loose irregular cluster of indeterminate structure and sometimes only 4–6-flowered. | 95 |
| Unit conflorescences secund, sometimes shortly and broadly so and appearing almost subglobose, but all styles of open flowers held within a 180° arc when viewed along rachis. Back to 91 | 102 |
95 | Leaves narrow-obovate with an obtuse or emarginate apex; low rhizomatous shrub <1 m high; NC only. | Grevillea humilis |
| Leaves linear, elliptic or lanceolate with a ± acute apex; low spreading to erect shrubs, 0.3–2 m high, rhizomatous or not; widespread. Back to 94 | 96 |
96 | Leaves ± rigid, pungent-pointed. | Grevillea patulifolia |
| Leaves pliable, not pungent-pointed. Back to 95 | 97 |
97 | Leaves linear to elliptic or narrow-obovate, most or all leaves with the lower surface on either side of the midvein partly or wholly exposed. | 98 |
| Leaves linear, with the undersurface on either side of the midvein enclosed by the revolute margins, only midvein exposed. Back to 96 | 99 |
98 | Leaves 0.2–1.3 mm wide; hairs of branchlets, leaves and perianth dull, not sparkling under strong light; young flower buds with a dense deep rusty brown indumentum. | Grevillea parviflora |
| Leaves 1.5–10 mm wide; hairs of branchlets, leaves and perianth sparkling under strong light; young flower buds with a silver and fawn indumentum. Back to 97 | Grevillea humilis |
99 | Leaves mostly in clusters of three. | Grevillea patulifolia |
| Leaves solitary or crowded but not in clusters of three. Back to 97 | 100 |
100 | Inner surface of perianth profusely bearded, the beard usually >1 mm in extent and the hairs at least 0.5 mm long; very young flower buds with a dense indumentum of rusty brown hairs; Moss Vale N to lower Hunter R. | Grevillea parviflora |
| Inner surface of perianth with a short dense to scanty beard, <1 mm in extent, the hairs <0.5 mm long; very young flower buds with pale, fawn, or rusty brown hairs; far SC, ST and CWS. Back to 99 | 101 |
101 | Leaves very widely ascending to spreading, very straight, well-spaced, usually most 4–7.5 cm long, 0.7–1.3 mm wide; pedicels c. 3.5 mm long; gynoecium 7–9 mm long; CWS. | Grevillea wiradjuri |
| Leaves closely to widely ascending, straight or wavy or incurved, often somewhat crowded, usually 2–4 cm long, 1.2–2 mm wide; pedicels 4.5–5 mm long; gynoecium 6–7.5 mm long; SC, ST. Back to 100 | Grevillea neurophylla |
102 | Late flower buds tomentose to villous, especially on limb (hairs ascending to spreading); unit conflorescences broadly secund (sometimes almost subglobose) and sometimes pendent or held on or near the ground. | 103 |
| Late flower buds ± subsericeous, the hairs (including on limb) appressed; unit conflorescences dense to open, broadly secund (usually clearly one-sided, rarely almost subglobose), usually erect and held clear of ground (rarely otherwise). Back to 94 | 105 |
103 | Leaves pungent-pointed, conspicuously 3-veined, often twisting on drying; perianth with both 2-branched and simple erect glandular hairs on the outer surface. | Grevillea oldei |
| Leaves not or scarcely pungent-pointed, not conspicuously 3-veined, remaining straight on drying; perianth with 2-branched hairs only on outer surface. Back to 102 | 104 |
104 | Limb of flower bud with a dark rusty brown indumentum; nectary shortly tongue-shaped, projecting clearly over the receptacle rim. | Grevillea evansiana |
| Limb of flower bud with a pale indumentum (sometimes a few darker hairs); nectary arcuate, scarcely emergent above the receptacle rim. Back to 103 | Grevillea capitellata |
105 | Unit conflorescences dense, broadly secund and often appearing subglobose, often pendent; flowers red to deep maroon. | Grevillea diffusa |
| Unit conflorescences loose to dense, secund or broadly so (but not appearing subglobose), not pendent; flowers white to cream or greenish yellow or pink. Back to 102 | 106 |
106 | Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein glabrous or with an open to sparse indumentum, the ground tissue visible between the hairs. | 107 |
| Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein with a ± dense indumentum, the ground tissue not visible between the hairs. Back to 105 | 109 |
107 | Hairs of leaves and branchlets sparkling under strong light. | Grevillea humilis |
| Hairs of leaves and branchlets matt, not sparkling under strong light. Back to 106 | 108 |
108 | Low erect to spreading shrub to 1 m high; leaves ascending, usually solitary, occasionally a few in clusters of 3; branchlets brownish to green; flowers (perianth and style) pink or white. | Grevillea humilis |
| Erect open shrub 0.5–2 m high; leaves ± spreading, usually in well-spaced clusters of 3–5; branchlets reddish; flowers white (only style sometimes pink with age). Back to 107 | Grevillea virgata |
109 | Style (fresh) lemony yellow or yellow-green; perianth greenish often becoming white after flowers open; montane habitats of NT only. | Grevillea viridiflava |
| Style (fresh) white or pink; perianth white or pink to mauve after flowers open; coastal to montane N.S.W. Back to 106 | 110 |
110 | Leaves pungent, usually ± rigid. | Grevillea patulifolia |
| Leaves not or scarcely pungent, pliable. Back to 109 | 111 |
111 | Erect shrubs 1–3 m high; flowers white or very pale pink; leaves not crowded. | 112 |
| Low spreading to weakly erect shrubs 0.2–1.3 m high; flowers white or pale to deep pink; leaves crowded or not. Back to 110 | 113 |
112 | Gynoecium 7–13 mm long; early buds pale with a fawn-brown tip; leaves 3.5–11 cm long, 1–5 mm wide, light green; stipe of ovary 1.3–1.5 mm long; shrub, not rhizomatous, of sandstone soils. | Grevillea linearifolia |
| Gynoecium 4–8 mm long; early buds with dense rusty brown hairs all over; leaves 1.5–5 cm long, 0.8–1.3 mm wide, dark green; stipe of ovary ≤1.2 mm long; rhizomatous shrub of clayey soils. Back to 111 | Grevillea parviflora |
113 | Leaves at least 1.5 mm wide, variously sublinear or narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate; hairs of branchlets and leaves sometimes sparkling under strong light (or not); conflorescences with 10–24 flowers; early flower buds usually silver-grey with a fawn limb, rarely brown all over; coastal, from Lake Macquarie to Qld border. | Grevillea humilis |
| Leaves ≤1.3 mm wide, linear or very slightly oblanceolate; hairs of branchlets and leaflets dull; conflorescences usually with 6–14 flowers; early flower buds rusty brown all over; Moss Vale N to lower Hunter R. Back to 111 | Grevillea parviflora |