Leaves basal or cauline with axillary hairs.
Flowers in thyrses, racemes, spikes or umbels or rarely solitary in axils of basal leaves; pedicels with or without bracteoles, sometimes articulate. Sepals free, 5. Corolla yellow to white or rarely pinkish mauve [or blue], sometimes auriculate, 2-lipped; lobes usually unequal, often with blunt enations or projections inside; anterior spur often conspicuous. Stamens free from each other, epigynous. Ovary inferior, incompletely 2-locular; indusium horizontal, usually with bristles on lips; ovules several.
Fruit a 2- or 4-valved capsule; seeds flat or compressed, winged or with a thickened rim, caruncle absent.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Corolla white or cream to very pale pink or mauve | Goodenia calcarata |
| Corolla yellow, often with brown markings | 2 |
2 | Leaves decurrent into wings on stem | Goodenia decurrens |
| Leaves not decurrent into wings on stem Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Flower stalks without bracteoles | 4 |
| Flower stalks with bracteoles Back to 2 | 16 |
4 | Indusium notched or style 2-fid | 5 |
| Indusium and style entire Back to 3 | 6 |
5 | Indusium notched | Goodenia pusilliflora |
| Style 2-fid Back to 4 | Goodenia berardiana |
6 | Corolla wing above auricle distinctly narrower than others | 7 |
| Corolla wings equal Back to 4 | 9 |
7 | Plants stoloniferous | Goodenia heteromera |
| Plants not stoloniferous Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Corolla glabrous outside | Goodenia pinnatifida |
| Corolla hairy outside Back to 7 | Goodenia elongata |
9 | Hairs on outside of corolla coarse and closely appressed | 10 |
| Hairs on outside of corolla spreading or absent Back to 6 | 13 |
10 | Upper lip of indusium glabrous or nearly so | Goodenia lunata |
| Upper lip of indusium with long white bristles Back to 9 | 11 |
11 | Leaves glaucous; corolla pale yellow | Goodenia glauca |
| Leaves not glaucous; corolla deep yellow Back to 10 | 12 |
12 | Corolla up to 8 mm long | Goodenia occidentalis |
| Corolla more than 8 mm long Back to 11 | Goodenia fascicularis |
13 | Plants with mostly glandular hairs | 14 |
| Plants with mostly simple hairs Back to 9 | 15 |
14 | Leaves linear to lanceolate | Goodenia havilandii |
| Leaves ovate to circular (bracteoles present but sometimes hidden in the axil) Back to 13 | Goodenia grandiflora |
15 | Corolla with prominent spur longer than ovary; plants of drier western areas | Goodenia cycloptera |
| Corolla pouch scarcely as long as ovary; plants of forests in south-east of State Back to 13 | Goodenia elongata |
16 | Leaves with basal lobe on one side only | Goodenia glabra |
| Leaves with basal lobes on both sides or none Back to 3 | 17 |
17 | Flower apparently glabrous and viscid outside | 18 |
| Flower hairy outside, rarely viscid and never varnished Back to 16 | 19 |
18 | Leaves ovate, thin | Goodenia ovata |
| Leaves narrow-ovate to linear, thick Back to 17 | Goodenia varia |
19 | Flowers solitary in axils of basal leaves | Goodenia willisiana |
| Flowers in racemes spikes or thyrses Back to 17 | 20 |
20 | Bracts reduced, much smaller than leaves | 21 |
| Bracts similar to leaves; leaves mostly cauline Back to 19 | 29 |
21 | Leaves almost all basal | 22 |
| Leaves mostly cauline Back to 20 | 28 |
22 | Scapes up to one and a half times as long as leaves | Goodenia humilis |
| Scapes more than one and a half times as long as leaves Back to 21 | 23 |
23 | Indusium folded downwards | Goodenia gracilis |
| Indusium flat or concave Back to 22 | 24 |
24 | Flowers sessile | 25 |
| Flowers stalked Back to 23 | 26 |
25 | Hairs on corolla simple | Goodenia bellidifolia |
| Hairs on corolla stellate Back to 24 | Goodenia stelligera |
26 | Hairs on corolla stellate | Goodenia dimorpha |
| Hairs on corolla simple or glandular Back to 24 | 27 |
27 | Corolla less than 10 mm long | Goodenia macbarronii |
| Corolla more than 10 mm long Back to 26 | Goodenia paniculata |
28 | Flowers sessile | Goodenia glomerata |
| Flowers stalked Back to 21 | Goodenia rostrivalvis |
29 | Bracteoles inserted immediately below ovary | Goodenia rotundifolia |
| Bracteoles inserted well below ovary Back to 20 | 30 |
30 | Hairs on flower cottony or webby | 31 |
| Hairs on flower not cottony or webby, often glandular Back to 29 | 32 |
31 | Lower leaves linear to narrow-elliptic | Goodenia delicata |
| Lower leaves broader than narrow-elliptic Back to 30 | Goodenia hederacea |
32 | Bracteoles attached close to base of flower stalk | Goodenia grandiflora |
| Bracteoles attached almost half way from the base of flower stalk or higher Back to 30 | 33 |
33 | Plants prostrate | Goodenia fordiana |
| Plants erect or ascending Back to 32 | 34 |
34 | Corolla pouch conspicuous | Goodenia stephensonii |
| Corolla pouch inconspicuous Back to 33 | Goodenia heterophylla |