Description: Shrubs.
Leaves alternate, either simple, 3-foliolate, palmate or pinnate with the terminal leaflet sessile; leaflets usually narrow, margins entire; stipules small or absent.
Inflorescences terminal, or rarely axillary, racemes, sometimes reduced to 1 or 2 flowers; bracts usually small, lanceolate; bracteoles small, lanceolate or bristly, inserted ± below the base of the calyx or absent. Calyx tube ± short, the teeth lanceolate, ± equal, longer than tube. Petals shortly clawed; standard circular to reniform, larger than the other petals; wings oblong, ± falcate; keel obtuse, slightly broader than wings. Stamens free. Ovary glabrous, sessile or shortly stipitate; ovules 2–many; style incurved or filiform.
Pod turgid, ± globose to obliquely oblong; seeds without an aril.
Distribution and occurrence: World: >30 species, endemic Australia. Australia: Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas., W.A. [includes Burtonia]
Text by B. Wiecek Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves 3-foliolate | 2 |
| Leaves pinnate, leaflets usually 5–25 (rarely a few 3-foliolate leaves near the base of the stem) | 9 |
2 | Keels conspicuously ciliate | 3 |
| Keels glabrous or not conspicuously ciliate Back to 1 | 4 |
3 | Leaflet margins usually flat or recurved, leaflets 2–6 mm wide; corolla 20–30 mm long | Gompholobium latifolium |
| Leaflet margins revolute, leaflets 0.5–1.5 mm wide; corolla 15–20 mm long Back to 2 | Gompholobium huegelii |
4 | Leaflets mostly more than 12 mm long, if less then apex obtuse | 5 |
| Leaflets mostly less than 12 mm long Back to 2 | 7 |
5 | Apex of leaflets acute with a sharp point; flowers 15–25 mm long | Gompholobium grandiflorum |
| Apex of leaflets obtuse or blunt (truncate); flowers 12–20 mm long Back to 4 | 6 |
6 | Stems smooth | Gompholobium virgatum |
| Stems tuberculate between ribs Back to 5 | Gompholobium aspalathoides |
7 | Stems covered with short, spreading hairs, not tuberculate; buds ridged at junction of calyx teeth | Gompholobium minus |
| Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy when young, more or less tuberculate; buds not ridged as above Back to 4 | 8 |
8 | Flowers red to orange-red; stipules absent; leaflets 4–12 mm long | Gompholobium uncinatum |
| Flowers yellow or yellow-green; stipules minute but conspicuously recurved; leaflets 5–8 mm long Back to 7 | Gompholobium inconspicuum |
9 | Leaflets cuneate, obovate or obcordate, apex obtuse, usually glaucous; flowers orange-red | Gompholobium foliolosum |
| Leaflets narrow-linear to elliptic, apex acute, not glaucous; flowers yellow or greenish yellow Back to 1 | 10 |
10 | Leaflets 5–7, rachis condensed; stems densely tuberculate | Gompholobium glabratum |
| Leaflets 15–25, rachis not condensed; stems smooth Back to 9 | Gompholobium pinnatum |