Description: Annual herbs, major axes erect or ascending, simple or branching, scale-like glandular hairs present or absent.
Leaves alternate, sometimes ± opposite, sessile, entire. Compound heads terminal, narrow-ellipsoid to oblong cylindrical, general involucre lacking or inconspicuous, general receptacle unbranched; partial heads c. 10–300, each with 1–16 bisexual florets, subtending bract hyaline; involucral bracts of partial heads, c. 2–12, flat to concave, ± constricted in the upper part, margins entire to hairy, whorled or paired. Corollas tubular, 3–5-toothed. Anthers with apical appendage, tailed. Style branches truncate, with short sweeping hairs.
Achenes ± obconical, ± papillose, pink or pale purple (often brownish when infertile); pappus absent or cup-shaped or with bristles.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 10 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Text by E. A. Brown Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Pappus absent; achenes enveloped in long hairs | Gnephosis eriocarpa |
| Pappus present, cup-shaped; achenes smooth or papillose | 2 |
2 | Florets usually 3–5 per head | Gnephosis tenuissima |
| Florets 2 per head Back to 1 | Gnephosis arachnoidea |