Description: Annual or biennial herbs with yellow latex. Stems erect to spreading, to 1 m high.
Leaves alternate, pinnately lobed or dissected, upper ones sessile, lower ones shortly petiolate.
Flowers axillary, solitary. Sepals 2. Petals 4, readily shed. Stamens numerous. Ovary 2-locular; carpels 2; stigmas 2, persistent.
Capsule cylindrical, separating from the apex; seeds numerous.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 25 species in Europe, Asia. Australia: 2 species (naturalised), N.S.W., Vic., S.A.
Text by S.W.L. Jacobs Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Capsule and peduncle hairy; annual | Glaucium corniculatum |
| Capsule and peduncle glabrous; biennial | Glaucium flavum |