Description: Herbs or subshrubs, creeping or semi-erect.
Leaves variously lobed.
Flowers arranged in dense or lax heads, with inflorescences axillary and terminal; bracts minute, inconspicuous. Flowers sessile; calyx tubular, persistent, 5-lobed; corolla red, mauve, yellow or white, weakly zygomorphic, 5-lobed, tube straight or slightly curved; stamens 4; style persistent or decidous, more than 3 times as long as ovary.
Fruits 4-seeded.
Distribution and occurrence: One species naturalised in New South Wales, also in Qld, Vic, and S.A. About 100 species native to temperate and sub-tropical America.
Text by B.J. Conn (2007) Taxon concept: S. Atkins (2004)