Description: Small perennial subshrubs, stems and branches chiefly glandular-hairy.
Leaves toothed to crenate, venation pinnate; stipules persistent.
Flowers axillary, mostly in pairs on filiform peduncles, with a small lobed bract at summit embracing the base of the pedicels. Calyx tubular, lobes c. as long as the tube. Petals 5, free. Stamens 5, free, opposite the petals; staminodes absent. Ovary 5-locular.
Capsule oblong, opening by 5 papery valves, seeds several in each loculus.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: 1 species, endemic.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Gilesia biniflora |