Description: Perennial herbs; stems prostrate or ascending; roots fibrous.
Leaves sessile.
Inflorescences terminal or sometimes axillary, pairs or umbels of cymes, cymes pedunculate; spathaceous bract absent; bracteoles persistent. Flowers bisexual, radially symmetric; pedicels well developed; sepals distinct, subequal; petals distinct, white, equal; stamens 6, all fertile; filaments bearded.
Capsule 3-valved, 3-locular. Seeds 2 per locule.
Distribution and occurrence: 11 spp, native from Mexico to tropical South America.
A few species cultivated.
Text by L Murray May 2013; edited KL Wilson Aug 2013 Taxon concept: R. Faden in Flora of North America vol. 22
One species in NSW: Gibasis pellucida |