Description: Prostrate or semiprostrate perennial, ± woody herbs. Stems with flattened hair-like scales c. 1 mm long.
Leaves alternate, often crowded, entire, flat, papillose.
Flowers solitary, subsessile, usually axillary on short lateral branches. Perianth segments 5. Stamens 10, in pairs alternating with perianth segments. Ovary superior, 5-locular; styles 5; ovules 1 per loculus.
Fruit a dry capsule; seeds reniform, tuberculate.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 27 species, southern Africa. Australia: 1 or 2 species (naturalized).
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & J. Highet Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Galenia pubescens |