Description: Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, taproot ± woody.
Leaves opposite, woolly or silky, usually ± sessile. Flowers bisexual.
Inflorescence a spike or raceme. Perianth segments 5, fused except for the apices, fused portion covered with long shiny woolly hairs spreading at maturity. Stamens 5; filaments flattened and membranous, free at the apices, the bases fused into a tube around the ovary and style. Ovary globose, slightly wrinkled; style shorter than perianth segments; stigma capitate. Perianth persistent to fruiting stage, developing 2 lateral rows of spines.
Fruit hard and burr-like; 1-seeded.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 20 species, warmer regions of America. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & L. Lapinpuro Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Froelichia gracilis |