Description: Shrubs or trees, deciduous, often spiny.
Leaves alternate, petiolate, lamina often crenate.
Inflorescences short axillary racemes, or flowers solitary or in small paniculate or umbel-like clusters. Flowers dioecious, rarely bisexual, small. Flowers without petals. Stamens surrounded by a ring of disc glands. Ovary superior, incompletely (2–) 4–8-locular with 2 ovules per loculus (one above the other).
Fruit a fleshy berry (or berrylike indehiscent drupe); seeds mostly 4–16, usually in pairs one above the other.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 15 species; Australia: c. 3 species (2 naturalised), N.T., Qld, ?N.S.W.
Flacourtia was previously included in Flacourtiaceae, a family now treated in partial synonymy within Achariaceae, Berberidopsidaceae and Salicaceae. For description of species possibly naturalised in New South Wales see Flacourtia jangomas.
Text by (compiled) May 2017 Taxon concept: Australian Plant Census (accessed May 2017)
One species in NSW: Flacourtia jangomas |