Description: Perennial or annual, tufted or rhizomatous sedges.
Leaf blades often poorly developed.
Inflorescences terminal, spikelets clustered sparsely or densely in heads or panicle-like. Glumes spirally arranged in the spikelets. Style 3-fid.
Small hypogynous disc (gynophore) often falling attached to the base of the achene.
Distribution and occurrence: Two species in NSW (one native, one introduced); also Vic, Tas, SA, WA; New Zealand; most species (c. 90) in Africa (Ethiopia to S. Africa, Madagasca).
Text by KL Wilson (Oct 2006); edited KL Wilson (Jan 2023) Taxon concept: KL Wilson (Oct 2006)
| Key to the species | |
1 | Rhizomatous perennial with dense more or less globose heads | Ficinia nodosa |
| Small tufted annual with 1–6(-12)spikelets clustered in a loose head | Ficinia marginata |