Description: Evergreen trees, polygamous.
Leaves alternate, mostly paripinnate; leaflets alternate to opposite, entire.
Inflorescences terminal or in upper axils, panicles. Flowers usually 5-merous, unisexual and bisexual. Calyx lobes usually 5. Petals mostly 5, imbricate. Stamens mostly 10, inserted below margin of disc; staminodes present in female flowers. Disc cupular, 10-lobed and supporting a sterile ovary in males, shallowly cupular and supporting ovary in females. Ovary 1-locular, ovule 1.
Drupe 1-locular; exocarp membranous; mesocarp spongy with numerous resin cells; endocarp thin cartilaginous, compressed.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 6 species, Pacific. Australia: 1 species
Text by M. J. Taylor Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Euroschinus falcatus |