Description: Perennial, often stoloniferous, or occasionally annual herbs.
Leaves alternate, generally flat with entire margins, tomentose on both surfaces.
Inflorescence of flower heads, solitary or in small, terminal clusters surrounded by a ray of leaves, disciform. Involucral bracts papery, brownish or hyaline. Receptacle flat, with no receptacle scales. Outer florets purple, female, outnumbering the central florets; central florets purple or colourless.
Achenes oblong or ellipsoid-oblong, generally with clavate twin hairs. Pappus of bristles, scabrid, with free or cohering cilia.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 17 species: Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, East Asia. NSW: 6 species native.
Text by Lawrence Mou Taxon concept: Bremer, K. (1994)
| Key to the species | |
1 | Heads solitary | Euchiton traversii |
| Inflorescences of several to many heads | 2 |
2 | Involucral bracts acuminate, the tips delicate and deeply lacerate; species of subalpine or montane areas | Euchiton umbricola |
| Involucral bracts obtuse to broad-acute, firm and leathery; widespread species Back to 1 | 3 |
3 | Flower heads subtended by large leafy bracts, much longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette soon withering | 4 |
| Flower heads without visible subtending bracts or with bracts only a little longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette persistent Back to 2 | Euchiton japonicus |
4 | Annuals; heads with a single bisexual floret per head | Euchiton sphaericus |
| Stoloniferous perennials; heads with 3 or more bisexual florets per head Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Achenes glabrous; 15–80 mm long; flower heads 1–2 mm diameter | Euchiton limosus |
| Achenes minutely papillate; leaves 30–200 mm long; flower heads 1.5–3 mm diameter Back to 4 | Euchiton involucratus |