Description: Annual herbs, with medi-fixed or stellate appressed hairs.
Leaves simple to pinnately lobed.
Inflorescence a raceme, often more or less corymbose. Sepals erect, inner pair usually saccate; petals long-clawed, yellow (in Australia); stamens 6. Median necatariferous glands present. Stigma capitate, slightly bilobed.
Fruit pedicillate (sometimes shortly so), linear, quadrangular, elongate (more than 3 times as long as broad), dehiscent; valves with conspicuous midvein; seeds in 1 row per locule. Radicle incumbent.
Distribution and occurrence:
100 species, mostly in Europe and the Mediterranean; 1 species naturalised in Australia.
Text by B.M. Wiecek Taxon concept: Flora of Victoria, Vol 3, 1996:449. and Flora of Australia Vol 8, 1982:329.
One species in NSW: Erysimum repandum |