Description: Annual herbs; stems terete, wiry; hairs non-glandular, woolly.
Leaves alternate or opposite in lower regions, cauline, sessile, ± decurrent, entire.
Heads compound or simple, ± globose, sessile, woolly; general involucre inconspicuous, general bracts leaf-like, woolly, ± equal to involucre; involucral bracts of partial heads 2-seriate, outer ovate to obovate, herbaceous, woolly, inner broad-oblong, scarious, glabrous to ± hairy near apex (often appearing ciliate); receptacle conical, scales absent. Florets numerous, funnelform, bisexual, 5-toothed. Corollas woolly at base, glandular near apex. Anthers tailed, with apical appendages. Style branches truncate, linear, with apical tufts of papillae.
Achenes ± obovoid, c. 0.5 mm long, wrinkled-papillose, brown; pappus absent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 2 species, endemic Australia. Australia: all mainland States.
Key updated by Louisa Murray Feb 2016 based on Walsh, N.G. (2007 ) A Revision of Eriochlamys (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae)Muelleria 25: 101-11 4.
Text by E. A. Brown Taxon concept:
| Key to the species | |
1 | Flowerheads in subglobose compound heads | Eriochlamys behrii |
| Flowerheads solitary | 2 |
2 | Outer bracts rhombic or narrow-ovate (broadest near the middle), the thickened or recurved margins not obscuring abaxial surface, distinctly shorter than the involucre, graduating in size and shape across several series from the leaves to the elliptic inner bracts, imparting a scaly appearance to the heads | Eriochlamys squamata |
| Outer bracts c. linear or narrow-lanceolate, leaf-like, margins revolute, obscuring abaxial surface, subequal to or even shortly exceeding involucre, with a sudden transition in shape to the elliptic inner bracts; heads not appearing scaly Back to 1 | Eriochlamys cupularis |