Leaves mostly alternate, sometimes oppostie or whorled, sessile or petiolate; margins entire, serrate or rarely deeply lobed.
Flowers pollinated by birds or insects, caducous, 1–8 per axil, sessile or petiolate, developing in succession. Sepals 5, occasionally 4. Corolla 2-lipped, tubular or campanulate, often curved. Stamen 4 (5) included or exserted. Ovary 2-locular becoming 4-locular by development of 2 placental septa.
Fruits mostly dry or drupaceous and fleshy, cylindrical, top-shaped to globular; exocarp papery often separating from endocarp.
Arid areas.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves opposite | 2 |
| Leaves alternate | 3 |
2 | Branches, leaves, calyx and outside of corolla scaly | Eremophila scoparia |
| Branches, leaves and calyx covered in appressed hairs, outside of corolla glabrous Back to 1 | Eremophila oppositifolia |
3 | Branches and leaves glabrous | 4 |
| Branches and leaves hairy Back to 1 | 12 |
4 | Corolla almost actinomorphic; stamens 5, anthers sagittate | Eremophila deserti |
| Corolla zygomorphic; stamens 4, anthers when dehisced reniform Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Stamens enclosed or extending just beyond the throat | 6 |
| Stamens exserted, close together Back to 4 | 11 |
6 | Sepals 4; corolla lobes acute | Eremophila divaricata |
| Sepals 5; corolla lobes obtuse Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Shrubs with prostrate branches; leaves usually with prominent recurved teeth towards the base; fruit fleshy, white to reddish purple | Eremophila debilis |
| Shrubs with erect or spreading branches; leaves lacking prominent recurved teeth; fruit dry Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Sepals imbricate, ovate, apex acute to attenuate, green | 9 |
| Sepals valvate, obovate to oblanceolate, rarely ovate, apex obtuse, cream, pinkish purple to brownish Back to 7 | 10 |
9 | Leaves 4.5–14 mm wide, corolla cream tinged pink or brown above or rarely carmine; erect shrubs or small trees | Eremophila bignoniiflora |
| Leaves 1–3.5 mm wide, corolla white; divaricate shrubs Back to 8 | Eremophila polyclada |
10 | Small trees with scaly bark or shrub with a few main stems; flowers 2 or 3 per axil; sepals and corolla white to cream or rarely pinkish | Eremophila mitchellii |
| Multistemmed shrubs or rarely forming a single trunk, bark deeply fissured on old plants; flowers 1 per axil; sepals and corolla usually purplish pink Back to 8 | Eremophila sturtii |
11 | Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate; corolla unspotted, lobe of lower lip acute; sepals acute | Eremophila glabra |
| Leaves linear to more or less terete; corolla spotted, rarely unspotted, lobe of lower lip truncate; sepals obtuse Back to 5 | Eremophila alternifolia |
12 | Hairs of branches and leaves simple | 13 |
| Hairs of branches and leaves branched to dendritic Back to 3 | 19 |
13 | Flowers lilac to purple; stamens enclosed | 14 |
| Flowers cream, red to yellow; stamens exserted Back to 12 | 16 |
14 | Hairs on branches, leaves and calyces glandular | Eremophila goodwinii |
| Hairs on branches, leaves and calyces non-glandular Back to 13 | 15 |
15 | Sepals imbricate, unequal, ovate to lanceolate, margins of leaves entire | Eremophila freelingii |
| Sepals valvate, subequal, linear-triangular to linear-lanceolate; margins of leaves toothed or entire Back to 14 | Eremophila gilesii |
16 | Corolla lobes obtuse | 17 |
| corolla lobes acute Back to 13 | 18 |
17 | Sepals separated at base, spathulate to oblanceolate cream to pink | Eremophila oppositifolia |
| Sepals imbricate or valvate, ovate to triangular, green Back to 16 | Eremophila longifolia |
18 | Sepals more than 10 mm long, enlarging after flowering, corolla red, yellow inside, unspotted | Eremophila duttonii |
| Sepals less than 10 mm long, not enlarging, corolla variable in colour but not as above, usually spotted Back to 16 | Eremophila maculata |
19 | Corolla lilac, pinkish lilac or mauve; anthers enclosed | 20 |
| Corolla red to yellow, or greenish brown; anthers exserted Back to 12 | 21 |
20 | Leaves completely covered in a dense tomentum; corolla lobes obtuse; sepals 5 | Eremophila bowmanii |
| Leaves sparsely stellate-pubescent or finely glandular-pubescent; corolla lobes acute; sepals 4 Back to 19 | Eremophila divaricata |
21 | Sepals obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse; corolla greenish brown to brownish yellow | Eremophila serrulata |
| Sepals triangular, ovate to lanceolate, acute; corolla red to yellow Back to 19 | 22 |
22 | Sepals valvate; fruit conical | Eremophila latrobei |
| Sepals imbricate; fruit ovoid to subglobose Back to 21 | Eremophila glabra |