Description: Annual or short-lived perennial herbs.
Leaves alternate, margins entire or toothed, sessile or petiolate.
Heads terminal and axillary, solitary or in cymes or corymbs; involucral bracts 2-seriate, outer bracts minute, inner bracts linear and conspicuous; receptacle concave, pitted. Florets all tubular; outer florets female or bisexual, inner florets bisexual. Anthers shortly tailed. Style branches with terminal appendage of fused papillose hairs.
Achenes ± terete, ribbed; pappus of numerous hairs, not persistent, longer than involucre.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 5 species, North & South America. Australia: 1 species (naturalized)
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept: