Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, with areolate venation (except in E. introrsa).
Flowers in axillary panicles, usually shorter than the leaves. Flowers bisexual, mostly 3-merous (4-merous in E. globosa). Perianth segments 6 or 8, not persistent in fruit. Stamens usually 3 (4–6 in E. globosa), anthers 2-locular, dehiscence usually extrorse (introrse in E. introrsa); associated glands present or occasionally absent, staminodes usually 3 (sometimes 2–0 in E. globosa). Ovary superior.
Drupe ovoid or globose, usually large and seated directly on the pedicel.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves green on both surfaces, sometimes lower surface paler | 2 |
| Leaves glaucous on lower surface, this feature not always apparent on older leaves | 11 |
2 | Veins on lower surface of mature leaves glabrous; hairy domatia sometimes present in axils of primary and secondary veins; young shoots often finely hairy | 3 |
| Veins on lower surface of mature leaves hairy; domatia usually absent; young shoots rusty-tomentose to velvety Back to 1 | 9 |
3 | Leaves with midrib flattened on lower surface, margins and midrib yellowish; lamina small, mostly less than 8 cm long; petiole often red; bark corky but hard | Endiandra sieberi |
| Leaves with midrib raised and rounded on lower surface; lamina mostly more than 8 cm long; petiole not reddish; bark not corky Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Leaves with length to breadth ratio of more than 4:1 (leaves appearing narrow) | Endiandra virens |
| Leaves with length to breadth ratio of less than 4:1 (usually less than 3:1 and leaves appearing broad) Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Leaves usually with 3–9 pairs of secondary veins, conspicuous on both surfaces, raised below, reticulate venation areolate, fine and even, prominent but not raised; domatia present or absent | 6 |
| Leaves usually with more than 10 pairs of secondary veins, prominently raised on both surfaces, reticulate venation relatively coarse; domatia absent Back to 4 | Endiandra compressa |
6 | Leaves with midrib warty on lower surface and mostly with 3–5 pairs of secondary veins; small hairy domatia sometimes present | Endiandra muelleri |
| Leaves with smooth midrib on lower surface and with 6–9 pairs of secondary veins; domatia usually absent Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Length to breadth ratio mostly less than 2.5:1; leaves turning black when dried; fruit globose; flowers 4-merous | Endiandra globosa |
| Length to breadth ratio more than 2.5:1; leaves green or brown when dried; fruit oblong or ovoid; flowers 3-merous Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Perianth segments hairy; fruit 2–3 cm long, black when ripe | Endiandra muelleri |
| Perianth segments glabrous; fruit 5–10 cm long, red to purplish black when ripe Back to 7 | Endiandra floydii |
9 | Leaves with 7–10 pairs of secondary veins; both surfaces of lamina dull and hairy; minute domatia sometimes present | Endiandra hayesii |
| Leaves with 4–7 pairs of secondary veins; upper surface of lamina glabrous or almost so and more or less glossy, lower surface dull and hairy; domatia usually absent Back to 2 | 10 |
10 | Reticulum finely and evenly areolate; branchlets conspicuously ribbed | Endiandra muelleri |
| Reticulum areolate, relatively coarse with 2 levels of pattern obvious; branchlets not conspicuously ribbed Back to 9 | Endiandra pubens |
11 | Large raised domatia present on lower surface of leaves | Endiandra discolor |
| Large raised domatia absent, small flat domatia sometimes present Back to 1 | 12 |
12 | Veins on lower surface of leaves hairy; fine reticulum distinct on both surfaces, finely areolate; leaves with length to breadth ratio of less than 2.5:1; anther dehiscence extrorse | Endiandra crassiflora |
| Veins on undersurface of leaves glabrous; reticulum obscure on both surfaces, not areolate; leaves with length to breadth ratio of more than 2.5:1; anther dehiscence introrse Back to 11 | Endiandra introrsa |