Description: Andromonecious trees. Shoots composed of a succession of repeated growth units, ech consisting of a basal false internode and a terminal false whorl of leaves; false internodes bearing numerous, spirally inserted scale leaves; false whorls bearing 3–17 crowded, spirally inserted leaves.
Leaves simple, discolorous; juvenile leaves with dentate or entire margins; adult leaves entire.
Inflorescence a lateral, axillary or ramiflorous, shortly pedunculate capitulum, with one or two vestigially bracteate flowers, one of which may be bisexual, surrounded by a false whorl of prominently bracteate male flowers. Flowers ±actinomorphic, creamy white when fresh, 4- or 5-merous; perianth basally connate, the lobes becoming circinate at anthesis; stamens free or the filaments slightly adnate to the base of the tepals; filaments filiform; anthers narrow-oblong, latrorsely dehiscent via longitudinal slits, without terminal appendages; hypogynous glands absent; ovary shortly stipitate, with ascending hairs; style terete; ovule 1, orthotropous.
Fruit a drupe, with several longitudinal ribs on the inside surface of the endocarp.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 spp., endemic Aust., Qld, N.S.W.
Description summarised from Weston & Kooyman (2002).
Text by P.H. Weston Taxon concept: Weston & Kooyman (2002)
One species in NSW: Eidothea hardeniana |