Leaves with ligule absent from upper leaves, sometimes ciliate on lower leaves; blade rolled in bud.
Inflorescence of racemes on a primary axis.
Spikelets plano-convex, 2 or 3 together or clustered mostly on 1 side of branch, usually stiffly hispid, falling entire; florets 2, lower sterile or male, upper bisexual. Glumes unequal, ± hispid on nerves; lower c. 50% of spikelet length, 3–5-nerved, apex often mucronate; upper subequal to spikelet, apex mucronate or with a short awn, convex on back, 5–7-nerved. Lemmas 2; lower equal to or longer than upper glume (excluding cusps and awns). Back of fertile lemma adaxial, apex apiculate or obtuse. Paleas 2; lower equal to lemma; upper subequal to lemma. Lodicules 2, cuneate, fleshy. Stamens 3.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Ligules on at least lower leaves a fringe of long stiff hairs; either stout reed-like perennials to c. 4.5 m tall with long rhizomes, or decumbent aquatic or semi aquatic perennials to c. 2 m tall | 2 |
| Ligules of lower leaves usually absent or minutely pubescent, sometimes ciliate; tufted annuals to c. 3 m tall, usually neither as stout not as decumbent as the preceding | 3 |
2 | Stout, reed-like perennials c. 4.5 m tall with long rhizomes; spikelets 3–4.5 mm long; fertile lemma 2.7–3 mm long | Echinochloa pyramidalis |
| Decumbent aquatic or semi-aquatic perennials to c. 2 m tall; spikelets 4.5–6 mm long; fertile lemma 2.5–5 mm long Back to 1 | Echinochloa polystachya |
3 | Glumes and lower lemma without small spines, almost smooth between the nerves and scabrous between the nerves; primary axis of inflorescence and raceme axes smooth (sometimkes minutely scabrous on the angles); branch bristles absent; rather few spikelets on racemes | Echinochloa lacunaria |
| Upper glume and/or lower lemma with small spines or hispid on nerves and scabrous between the nerves; primary axis of inflorescence and raceme axes scabrous, bristles usually present; spikelets more or less crowded Back to 1 | 4 |
4 | Racemes crowded with spikelets, inflorescences very compact; spikelets broad-elliptic, 3–4.5 mm long, awnless, grain plump; upper part of fertile floret exposed at maturity | 5 |
| Racemes less crowded and spikelets usually to 1 side; spikelets elliptic to ovate, 2.5–7 mm long, awned or awnless; grain less plump; fertile floret not exposed at maturity Back to 3 | 6 |
5 | Spikelets always pale, usually obtuse at maturity; grain whitish; cultivated | Echinochloa frumentacea |
| Spikelets purplish to blackish brown, shortly acute; grain brownish Back to 4 | Echinochloa esculenta |
6 | Spikelets 4–7 mm long; axis of inflorescence more or less horizontal at maturity with racemes drooping but plants erect; mature grain usually 2.5–3 mm long | Echinochloa oryzoides |
| Spikelets to 5 mm long; axis of inflorescence not horizontal at maturity, racemes erect, spreading or drooping Back to 4 | 7 |
7 | Shining back of fertile lemma acuminate, narrowing evenly and gradually into a long, greenish tip; nerves of upper glume and lower lemma with spreading spines with conspicuous swollen bases | Echinochloa microstachya |
| Shining back of fertile lemma abruptly and obtusely different from short, scabrous tip; nerves of upper and lower lemma with tubercle-based bristles, usually not widely spreading or with conspicuously swollen bases Back to 6 | 8 |
8 | Spikelets 2–3 mm long; inflorescence usually less than 2 cm wide | 9 |
| Spikelets 3–5 mm long; inflorescence more than 2 cm wide Back to 7 | 10 |
9 | Spikelets 2–3 mm long, inflorescence usually <2 cm wide | Echinochloa colona |
| Spikelets 2.5–3 mm long, awned or not, conspicuously arranged in rows; bristles on axes of inflorescence few–numerous Back to 8 | Echinochloa crus-galli |
10 | Spikelets on short, rigid branches 1–4 cm long, rarely awned; nerves of lower lemma scabrous; bristles on axes of inflorescence absent or few | Echinochloa turneriana |
| Spikelets on branches to 10 cm long, awned or not; nerves of lower lemma spinulose with tubercle-based hairs; bristles on axes of inflorescence few–numerous Back to 8 | 11 |
11 | Main axis of inflorescence with few bristles at nodes | 12 |
| Main axis of inflorescence with numerous bristles at nodes Back to 10 | 13 |
12 | Inflorescence erect, branches not usually wavy; awns if present to 5 cm long | Echinochloa crus-galli |
| Inflorescence more or less drooping with slender, wavy branches; awn, if present, to 3 cm long Back to 11 | Echinochloa inundata |
13 | Upper glume awnless; lower lemma with an awn to 10 mm long; inflorescence drooping with slender, wavy branches | Echinochloa crus-pavonis |
| Upper glume often with an awn to 7 mm long; lower lemma usually with an awn to 5 cm long; inflorescence erect or slightly drooping Back to 11 | 14 |
14 | Fertile floret narrow-elliptic, 3–4.2 mm long; grain oblong to oblong-ovate, 1.8–2.3 mm long | Echinochloa telmatophila |
| Fertile floret broad-ovate to elliptic, 2.5–4 mm long; grain circular to ovate, 1.4–2 mm long Back to 13 | Echinochloa crus-galli |