Description: Perennial herbs, dioecious; stems arising from an underground rhizome, dying back after flowering.
Leaves decussate, fused at base to form a rim around stem, caducous; stipules placed singly on margin of rim, opposite each other, caducous.
Inflorescences of terminal and subterminal axillary compound dichasia. Flowers unisexual, subtended by 2 minute bracts. Calyx tube short, 4–6-lobed. Corolla valvate, 4–6-lobed. Male flowers with 5 stamens, inserted at base of corolla. Female flowers with ovary 1-locular, 1-ovulate; stigma solitary, ± sessile.
Fruit fleshy; seeds enclosed in a thick woody endocarp.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 1 species, endemic Australia. Australia: 1 species, endemic.
Text by T. A. James Taxon concept: