Synonyms: Porana APNI*
Description: Perennials with twining stems.
Leaves simple, entire; sericious with appressed, bifid hairs.
Inflorescences axillary, cymose, bracteolate. Sepals 5, free, subequal, becoming much enlarged, papery and spreading in fruit. Corolla campanulate, shallowly 5-lobed, with hairy mid-petaline bands. Stamens 5, ± equal, filaments glabrous. Ovary 1-locular with 2 ovules, glabrous; style 1, with a biglobose stigma.
Capsule ellipsoid, with a persistent style-base, indehiscent.
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to Australia. Australia: 3 species Qld, N.S.W., W.A.
Australian species now in this genus were formerly referred to the genus Porana.
Text by Original text by R. W. Johnson; updated and modified in 2011 by Peter G. Wilson. Taxon concept: R.W. Johnson (2009) Austrobaileya 8 (1).
One species in NSW: Duperreya halfordii |