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Genus Doodia Family Blechnaceae

Description: Terrestrial plants, reproducing vegetatively by stolons. Rhizome black, short-creeping with an erect, tufted portion covered with small, dark scales and bearing numerous wiry roots.

Fronds 1-pinnatisect or 1-pinnate, all alike or dimorphic, fertile fronds usually erect with narrower, more widely spaced pinnae than the often prostrate sterile fronds; stipe robust, scaly at least at the base; lamina scabrous, ± membranous to leathery, the segments often with a prickly, toothed margin; veins mostly anastomosing, at least in the fertile fronds.

Sori discrete but often becoming confluent, in 2–4 rows parallel with the main vein of the segment; indusium present, opening towards the vein.

Distribution and occurrence: World: > 30 species, Asia to Australasia & Hawaiian Is. Australia: 8 species (4 endemic), Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A.

Doodia was synonymised with Blechnum by Christenhusz et al. (2011) to preserve a broadly circumscribed Blechnum.

Text by Peter G. Wilson
Taxon concept:

 Key to the species 
1Fronds 1-pinnatisect for most of their length, most segments attached by a broadened to decurrent base2
Fronds with more than 1 pair of pinnae free, sessile to shortly stalked3
2Sori in one row on each side of the vein and located very close to it, usually 2–3 mm long5
Sori in 1 or 2 rows on each side of the midvein and distinctly separated from it, ± circular, 0.5–1.5 mm long, sometimes becoming confluent with age
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Doodia aspera
3Fronds not markedly dimorphic, harsh, ± leatheryDoodia australis
Fronds usually dimorphic, almost membranous to ± leathery
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4Fronds pinnately divided for most of their length, but often with an apical pinna half to two-thirds the length of the lamina; various habits from creek banks in rainforest to open rocky areasDoodia caudata
Fronds undivided for half to two thirds of their length, with a few pairs of short, broad pinnae at the base; protected sites in rainforest and open forest
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Doodia linearis
5Rhizome erect, forming caudex up to 30 cm tall, tubercles present on stipeDoodia maxima
Rhizome short creeping (but may develop an erect caudex) to 1.5 cm diameter and 16 cm long, stipe glabrous and smooth, without tubercles
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Doodia hindii

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