Synonyms: Diplarrhena sp. APNI*
Description: Densely tufted, rhizomatous, evergreen perennials.
Basal leaves equitant, linear, sword-shaped, flat, glabrous, finely striate. Scape erect, terete, with 2–4 reduced leaves; inflorescence capitate, enclosed by a pair of opposite herbaceous spathe bracts; spathes 3–6-flowered.
Flowers zygomorphic. Tepals unequal, free, clawed; outer tepals spreading; inner tepals oblong, shorter, 2 spreading, the third hooded over the stamens. Fertile stamens 2; filaments free, unequal. Ovary cylindrical, enclosed in spathe; style filiform, entire; stigma 3-lobed.
Capsule exserted; seeds numerous, flattened.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, endemic Australia. Australia: N.S.W., Vic., Tas.
Text by T. A. James & E. A. Brown Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Diplarrena moraea |