Synonyms: Rhopalobrachium APNI*
Description: Trees or shrubs, usually with horizontal branches; branchlets without spines.
Leaves stipulate, petiolate, coriaceous.
Inflorescences axillary, of 1 to few-flowered, umbelliform. Flowers 5-merous, pedicellate, fleshy, each subtended by a bract, corolla tube slender and very long and longer than the lobes, coriaceous, hairy on the inside with dense white hairs projecting from the mouth obsuring the anthers; stamens short, filaments ovoid; ovary 2-locular; ovules solitary in each locule; styles as long as corolla tube; stigma fleshy, obscurely 2-lobed.
Fruit smooth, entire; pyrenes woody, usually broadly hemispherical and depressed distally.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 30 species; Australia 9 species, native, NSW, Queensland, Northern Territory.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Reynolds, S.T and Henderson R.F.J., Austrobaileya 6(1): 42 (2001)