Description: Rhizomatous perennials. Culms mostly noded.
Leaves mostly basal, often 1 cauline; ligule membranous.
Inflorescence panicle-like, narrow, with distant nodes. Spikelets several at each node, with 1 bisexual flower, often with a male flower below it. Glumes imbricate all around the rachilla, the lower ones sterile. Perianth bristles 4 or 5, antrorsely scabrous above to shortly plumose near base, smooth at base. Stamens usually 2. Style 2-fid; style base persistent, becoming dilated, antrorsely scabrous.
Nut with margins inrolled.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 6 species, endemic Australia (most spp in WA). Australia: Qld, N.S.W., Vic., W.A.
Text by K. L. Wilson 1993; edited August 2007 Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Cyathochaeta diandra |