Description: Shrubs or small trees.
Leaves opposite; stipules interpetiolar, rarely intrapetiolar.
Inflorescence axillary, rarely terminal on side shoots, cymose; bracteoles usually forming a cup-like structure. Flowers bisexual. Calyx truncate or shortly toothed. Corolla tube cylindrical and widening at throat or funnel-shaped; lobes (4–)5—8(–12), contorted in bud. Stamens usually same number as corolla lobes, inserted in corolla throat; anthers dorsally attached, linear, usually twisted. Ovary 2-locular; ovules 1 per locule; style slender; stigma 2-lobed.
Fruit a 2-seeded drupe. Seeds thin- or thick-walled, with grooved inner face.
Distribution and occurrence: A genus of 124 species from tropical Africa and Asia, one species (C. brassii, formerly placed in Psilanthus) native to Queensland. Coffea arabica, one of the two or possibly three commercially cultivated species, is introduced in Queensland, Norfolk Island and (doubtfully) Lord Howe Island.
Text by Modified from P.S. Green by K.L.Gibbons, Oct 2019. Taxon concept: Green, P.S, (1994) Flora of Australia 49: 357; Kew Plants of the World online.
One species in NSW: Coffea arabica |